Heemkundekring 't Hof van Liessent

The society 't Hof van Liessent was founded in 1982. Its aim is to promote interest in and knowledge of its own region, people and customs, as well as of historically valuable heritage. To achieve this goal, the society has several working groups. The society also organises lectures and excursions.

The Heemhuis is open to members and non-members!
Opening times: Wednesdays from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 16.00 and Tuesday evenings from 19.00 to 21.00.

In the Heemhuis you will find ample documentation on:

-Municipality of Lieshout in six sections
-A lot of genealogical data
-Extensive library
-Publications from other institutions and associations
-Information about events in Lieshout from the Laarbeeker etc. sorted by place, person or event
-Dialectical information
-OAT of 1832 (OAT = Original Designating Tables)
-Book of Measures 1792
-House list 1791
-Tax returns 1700
