School Dorpsschool | Bakel
School Dorpsschool | Bakel
This small village school, dating from 1830, with only two classrooms, only one of which was used...
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)
Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)
former farmers' union warehouse from which agricultural items were sold.
De Rips
WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips
WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips
This memorial provides information about the crash of a Lancaster plane that killed 7 people. It...
De Rips
Gehucht: Vossenberg
Gehucht: Vossenberg
This Protestant village in Catholic Brabant is a product of the large-scale Peel reclamations in...
Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert
Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert
This field chapel of the Guild of St. Anthony and Sebastian dates back to 1564 and is still part...
Helling in de Daalhorst | Gemert
Helling in de Daalhorst | Gemert
If you look from south to north across the Daalhorst, you will see a slope in the road. The diffe...
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
The Master's house was occupied by the "Upper Masters" Hertsig and Huvenaars beginning in 1922.
De Rips
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel
This is one of the oldest churches in the region and the mother church for the Gemert, Deurn and...
Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!
Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!
If you are looking for one or more days of vacation in Brabant, Gemert-Bakel is definitely worth...
Port, fishing, inn, fief of the Teutonic Order, tram stop, it is hard to say what this tavern may...
Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel
Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel
A complete medieval hamlet has been excavated here, dating from the 9th to the 12th century.
Van den Acker Textielfabriek
Van den Acker Textielfabriek
Everything comes to an end. Even the textile factory of the Van den Acker family, which existed f...
Gehucht Boekent | Gemert
Gehucht Boekent | Gemert
Boekent is one of the oldest hamlets of Gemert. Older than Gemert Castle, it is an intersection o...
Boerderij Aan de Stinckart
Boerderij Aan de Stinckart
The oldest farm in Gemert's Broekstraat.
Hoeve 'Beverdijk'
Hoeve 'Beverdijk'
Reconstruction of a fief of the Teutonic Order
School: Latijnse School, Gemert
School: Latijnse School, Gemert
This priest school, founded by the religious knightly order the Teutonic Order in 1587, now serve...
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert
Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert
Hooghuis is Gemert's oldest known castle. It was the property of the Lords of Gemert, who owned t...
Armenhoeve Gemert
Armenhoeve Gemert
The Armenhoeve or Hoeve Ten Broek is Gemert's oldest farm and the only corner gable farm.
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Voted the best (family) outing in Brabant several times, this living open-air museum in Gemert of...
Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips
Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips
This national monument is a typical reclaimed farmhouse, a melting pot of all kinds of styles and...
De Rips
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
For centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
The lime tree is the last remnant of the medieval Hoeve Vogelsanck.
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
These bulging bare fields are the result of centuries of peat and manure being raised by poor Pee...
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
The hamlet of Tereijken originated from a single medieval farmstead.
De Mortel