Art and culture in the Peel

Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel. 


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1 to 24 of 142 results

  • School Dorpsschool | Bakel

    School Dorpsschool | Bakel

    This small village school, dating from 1830, with only two classrooms, only one of which was used...

  • Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)

    Boerenbondgebouw (voormalig)

    former farmers' union warehouse from which agricultural items were sold.

    De Rips
  • WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips

    WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips

    This memorial provides information about the crash of a Lancaster plane that killed 7 people. It...

    De Rips
  • Gehucht: Vossenberg

    Gehucht: Vossenberg

    This Protestant village in Catholic Brabant is a product of the large-scale Peel reclamations in...

  • Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert

    Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert

    This field chapel of the Guild of St. Anthony and Sebastian dates back to 1564 and is still part...

  • Helling in de Daalhorst | Gemert

    Helling in de Daalhorst | Gemert

    If you look from south to north across the Daalhorst, you will see a slope in the road. The diffe...

  • Schoolmeesterswoning 1922

    Schoolmeesterswoning 1922

    The Master's house was occupied by the "Upper Masters" Hertsig and Huvenaars beginning in 1922.

    De Rips
  • Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel

    Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel

    This is one of the oldest churches in the region and the mother church for the Gemert, Deurn and...

  • Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!

    Kom ook naar Gemert-Bakel!

    If you are looking for one or more days of vacation in Brabant, Gemert-Bakel is definitely worth...

  • Koksehoeve


    Port, fishing, inn, fief of the Teutonic Order, tram stop, it is hard to say what this tavern may...

  • Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel

    Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel

    A complete medieval hamlet has been excavated here, dating from the 9th to the 12th century.

  • Van den Acker Textielfabriek

    Van den Acker Textielfabriek

    Everything comes to an end. Even the textile factory of the Van den Acker family, which existed f...

  • Gehucht Boekent | Gemert

    Gehucht Boekent | Gemert

    Boekent is one of the oldest hamlets of Gemert. Older than Gemert Castle, it is an intersection o...

  • Boerderij Aan de Stinckart

    Boerderij Aan de Stinckart

    The oldest farm in Gemert's Broekstraat.

  • Hoeve 'Beverdijk'

    Hoeve 'Beverdijk'

    Reconstruction of a fief of the Teutonic Order

  • School: Latijnse School, Gemert

    School: Latijnse School, Gemert

    This priest school, founded by the religious knightly order the Teutonic Order in 1587, now serve...

  • Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert

    Archeologische opgraving: Hooghuis, Gemert

    Hooghuis is Gemert's oldest known castle. It was the property of the Lords of Gemert, who owned t...

  • Armenhoeve Gemert

    Armenhoeve Gemert

    The Armenhoeve or Hoeve Ten Broek is Gemert's oldest farm and the only corner gable farm.

  • Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert

    Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert

    Voted the best (family) outing in Brabant several times, this living open-air museum in Gemert of...

  • Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips

    Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips

    This national monument is a typical reclaimed farmhouse, a melting pot of all kinds of styles and...

    De Rips
  • De voormalige hoeve Grotel

    De voormalige hoeve Grotel

    For centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.

  • De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert

    De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert

    The lime tree is the last remnant of the medieval Hoeve Vogelsanck.

  • Bolle Akkers, Bakel

    Bolle Akkers, Bakel

    These bulging bare fields are the result of centuries of peat and manure being raised by poor Pee...

  • Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert

    Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert

    The hamlet of Tereijken originated from a single medieval farmstead.

    De Mortel