Art and culture in the Peel

Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel. 


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1 to 24 of 140 results

  • Molen De Bijenkorf

    Molen De Bijenkorf

    This advanced windmill, the Bijenkorf, was built in 1665 in Zaandijk as a white paper mill. In 19...

  • Natuurgebied Landgoed De Krim | Elsendorp

    Natuurgebied Landgoed De Krim | Elsendorp

    Peellandgoed De Krim consisting of heathland, fens and a pingo.

  • De voormalige hoeve Grotel

    De voormalige hoeve Grotel

    For centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.

  • Armenhoeve Gemert

    Armenhoeve Gemert

    The Armenhoeve or Hoeve Ten Broek is Gemert's oldest farm and the only corner gable farm.

  • Peelrandbreuk op Esp | Bakel

    Peelrandbreuk op Esp | Bakel

    The Peelrand fault caused an elevation change in the road and landscape on Aspen.

  • Natuurgebied Landgoed De Sijp | Elsendorp

    Natuurgebied Landgoed De Sijp | Elsendorp

    De Sijp estate was reclaimed in 1895 and is now partly natural area and partly in agricultural use.

  • Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat

    Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat

    The first construction on the west side of Kerkstraat occurred between 1480 and 1500. Now the cen...

  • Grenspaal Weijser Paal

    Grenspaal Weijser Paal

    A boundary post between Bakel and Gemert, placed by order of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of the Fr...

  • Hoeve 'Beverdijk'

    Hoeve 'Beverdijk'

    Reconstruction of a fief of the Teutonic Order

  • Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel

    Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel

    This is one of the oldest churches in the region and the mother church for the Gemert, Deurn and...

  • Slotje, Deel

    Slotje, Deel

    Around 1435, squire Goyart van Lankveld built a moat house at this location. The last remnants of...

  • Boerderij 'de Rips'

    Boerderij 'de Rips'

    This building is the oldest farm in de Rips. It was originally a sheep farm. One of the many larg...

    De Rips
  • Witte Arbeiderswoningen 1922

    Witte Arbeiderswoningen 1922

    The 12 double White Worker houses were the basis for the new village of De Rips in 1921-22.

    De Rips
  • Mysteries van Gemert (deel 2)

    Mysteries van Gemert (deel 2)

    Ad Otten on all kinds of historical facts from local history under the heading Mysteries of Gemer...

  • De voormalige hoeve Hazeldonk

    De voormalige hoeve Hazeldonk

    The Hazeldonk is a vanished medieval farmstead surrounded by a moat.

  • Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert

    Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert

    The defunct wooden standard mill Het Zoutvat was built in 1554 and demolished in 1917.

  • Kapel Ossenkapel | Handel

    Kapel Ossenkapel | Handel

    This chapel was built on the site of the Marian miracle of Handel. Handel is the oldest Marian pi...

  • Hoeve De Stroom Gemert

    Hoeve De Stroom Gemert

    Farm owned by the Gemert parish priest for centuries.

    De Mortel
  • Gemeentehuis Gemert- Bakel

    Gemeentehuis Gemert- Bakel

    This 19th century villa, built on the site of an illustrious inn is now the home of the Municipal...

  • De Schouw en Ter Schaut, Bakel

    De Schouw en Ter Schaut, Bakel

    The hamlet of De Schouw originated from the medieval farmstead Ter Schaut. It was a farmstead wit...

  • Pastorie | De Rips

    Pastorie | De Rips

    This large rectory is of the oldest buildings in this reclamation village and housing for several...

    De Rips
  • Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert

    Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert

    In 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...

  • Oorlogsmonument | De Rips

    Oorlogsmonument | De Rips

    War Memorial De Rips.

    De Rips
  • Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel

    Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel

    Points at the Peelrand fault create red water in ditches at De Sprenk in De Mortel

    De Mortel