Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Points at the Peelrand fault create red water in ditches at De Sprenk in De Mortel
De Mortel
Klooster Molenstraat 74 - Helmond
Klooster Molenstraat 74 - Helmond
Rood in de sloot van de Hazeldonklaan, Gemert
Rood in de sloot van de Hazeldonklaan, Gemert
Points at Gemert-South break up red water in roadside ditches of Hazeldonklaan
De voormalige hoeve Hazeldonk
De voormalige hoeve Hazeldonk
The Hazeldonk is a vanished medieval farmstead surrounded by a moat.
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Weavers were common in Gemert and home weaving had long been known there too. This old home weavi...
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
The Master's house was occupied by the "Upper Masters" Hertsig and Huvenaars beginning in 1922.
De Rips
Parochiehuis | Bakel
Parochiehuis | Bakel
This beautiful building, from 1938, was especially intended for meetings concerning the parish of...
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
The lime tree is the last remnant of the medieval Hoeve Vogelsanck.
Villa Ledeboer
Villa Ledeboer
The Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
This little building has had all kinds of functions, from sheafkeet for the reclamation workers w...
De Rips
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
Ter Watermolen | Gemert
The property Ter Watermolen was a medieval farmstead owned by the Commanderij Gemert.
Woonhuis - Warandelaan 29 Helmond
Woonhuis - Warandelaan 29 Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Voormalige school - Prins Karelstraat 98a Helmond
Voormalige school - Prins Karelstraat 98a Helmond
Oude Bakelsedijk (archeologische route)
Oude Bakelsedijk (archeologische route)
The Oude Bakelsedijk was of the few ancient roads that ran all the way through the Peel, which be...
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 4 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 4 Helmond
This mansion was built in 1858-1861.
Villa Aarle-Rixtelseweg 63 - Helmond
Villa Aarle-Rixtelseweg 63 - Helmond
Woonhuis - Steen 62 Helmond
Woonhuis - Steen 62 Helmond
Oude Huys
Oude Huys
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf"
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf"
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf" is located at Den Elding 2 in Gemert.
Here you will find all the informa...
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
Het Industrieel Atrium
Het Industrieel Atrium
Knowledge center for the industrial heritage of Helmond and its surroundings, but also a knowledg...
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Sizeable field chapel built in 1938, to mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. Simonis' priesthood and...
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