Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Jan Visser Museum
Jan Visser Museum
The Jan Visser Museum focuses on the agricultural past before the mechanization with collections...
Grenspaal: Stippelberg Paal
Grenspaal: Stippelberg Paal
One of the boundary poles marking the, often disputed, boundary between the former municipalities...
Kasteel Gemert
Kasteel Gemert
This large castle complex, complete with gardens and castle farms has had an eventful history. It...
Woonhuizen - Molenstraat 78-84 Helmond
Woonhuizen - Molenstraat 78-84 Helmond
Grafkapel De Maurissens
Grafkapel De Maurissens
Funerary chapel of the noble family who lived in a country house on the Baarschot in the 19th cen...
Grenspaal Loeff Paal
Grenspaal Loeff Paal
Boundary post between Oploo and De Rips.
De Rips
Crucifix Veghelsedijk / Rooijseweg
Crucifix Veghelsedijk / Rooijseweg
Everyone drives past it, the Crucifix at the junction of the Veghelsdijk and the Rooijseweg in Ma...
Nummerke 3
Nummerke 3
Musical band that is mainly active during the carnival season.
Beek en Donk
Kubuswoningen - Speelhuisplein 2 Helmond
Kubuswoningen - Speelhuisplein 2 Helmond
Woonhuis Kanaaldijk N.W. 25 - Helmond
Woonhuis Kanaaldijk N.W. 25 - Helmond
Kerk Onze Lieve Vrouw van Handel | Handel
Kerk Onze Lieve Vrouw van Handel | Handel
This chapel from 1220 is the oldest Marian pilgrimage site in Brabant and forms a complex togethe...
Sluis 7 Helmond
Sluis 7 Helmond
Toekomst door Samenspel
Toekomst door Samenspel
A drummer, with a little boy learning to play the drums and dog Tippie looking on.
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Kapel Mariakapel | Milheeze
Sizeable field chapel built in 1938, to mark the 40th anniversary of J.P. Simonis' priesthood and...
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
If you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Processiepark | Handel
Processiepark | Handel
This beautiful Procession Park is a National Monument belonging to the centuries-old Marian worsh...
Archeologisch monument Steentijd
Archeologisch monument Steentijd
Here in this sandy area, the prehistoric Tjongervolk visited so many times, working flint, and in...
Voormalig marechausseekazerne - Molenstraat 121-121a Helmond
Voormalig marechausseekazerne - Molenstraat 121-121a Helmond
Pastorie Hoofdstraat 157 - Helmond
Pastorie Hoofdstraat 157 - Helmond
Voormalige pastorie
Voormalige pastorie
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
Ashorst-Sneppenscheut (grafveld ijzertijd en Romeinse tijd)
Villa Aarle-Rixtelseweg 63
Villa Aarle-Rixtelseweg 63
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | Elsendorp
Natuurgebied Landgoed Cleefswit | Elsendorp
Cleefswit is one of the older examples of large-scale reclamation of wasteland in the late 19th,...
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning
Voormalig klein seminarie en dienstwoning
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