Old 'Mansion' or 'Hunting Lodge' at Havenweg no.10 in Lieshout.
Probably the oldest house in Lies...
Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel
Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel
A viewing frame near the Renseweg - Welpenheuvel indicates the exact location of Gemert's Breuk.
De Mortel
Warande (reigerbos)
Warande (reigerbos)
Torenruine Brugghenstraat
Torenruine Brugghenstraat
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
A boundary post between Bakel and Gemert, placed by order of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of the Fr...
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens
Martien Coppens was born in 1908 as the son of a clogmaker in Lieshout, a village in the vicinity...
Gehucht: Vossenberg
Gehucht: Vossenberg
This Protestant village in Catholic Brabant is a product of the large-scale Peel reclamations in...
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
The remains of a dug antitank canal that was part of the infamous Peel-Raamstelling, a defensive...
De Rips
Hoeve Milschot Gemert
Hoeve Milschot Gemert
Milschot farmstead is a medieval farmstead and was long owned by the Teutonic Order.
De Mortel
Molen Johanna Elisabeth
Molen Johanna Elisabeth
Flourmill from 1844, situated in a natural garden with bronze statues by artist Joep Coppens.
Paal op De Sijp | Gemert
Paal op De Sijp | Gemert
City Hall Deurne
City Hall Deurne
The town hall of Deurne was built in 1895, a tangible proof of the wealth of the municipality fro...
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...
Beek en Donk
Voormalige pastorie
Voormalige pastorie
Villa Jeanne - Mierloseweg 8 Helmond
Villa Jeanne - Mierloseweg 8 Helmond
Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips
Boerderij: Gertrudahoeve, De Rips
This national monument is a typical reclaimed farmhouse, a melting pot of all kinds of styles and...
De Rips
Museum “Technology with Soul”
Museum “Technology with Soul”
The museum is located in the middle of the intriguing peat moor region “De Peel”, in Neerkant, th...
Sint Willibrorduskerk Liessel
Sint Willibrorduskerk Liessel
Neo-Gothic cruciform basilica, National Monument . The stained glass windows by Pieter Wiegersma...
Five4you is an all-round formation from Gemert and Laarbeek.
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Archeologische opgraving: Neerakker, Bakel
Archeologische opgraving: Neerakker, Bakel
This is one of the most important excavations in Bakel, a complete court, with village has been f...
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 2c-4 Helmond
Dubbel herenhuis - Wilhelminalaan 2c-4 Helmond
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
In 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
Here lay, in a small cluster, butter factory, egg society, kindergarten, warehouse, farm loan ban...
De Mortel