Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
War memorial Pyramide
War memorial Pyramide
War memorial designed by former Deurnenaar, architect Maarten de Jonge
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
De voormalige hoeve Grotel
For centuries, the Grotel farmstead of the Teutonic Order stood on this site.
Watertoren - Torenstraat Helmond
Watertoren - Torenstraat Helmond
Voormalige winkel - Steenweg 35 Helmond
Voormalige winkel - Steenweg 35 Helmond
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
De lindeboom van de Vogelzang in Gemert
The lime tree is the last remnant of the medieval Hoeve Vogelsanck.
Voormalig klooster en school - Kloosterstraat 6-8 Helmond
Voormalig klooster en school - Kloosterstraat 6-8 Helmond
De Tolbrug
De Tolbrug
This long-gabled farmhouse stands on the spot where toll was formerly levied for the use of the b...
Virgin Mary statue in the Lourdes grotto
Virgin Mary statue in the Lourdes grotto
In 1933, when the parish church was built in Mariahout, plans were immediately made for a grotto....
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 5-7 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 5-7 Helmond
Ainsi soit-elle
Ainsi soit-elle
The reclining lady was unveiled in 1994 on the occasion of the opening of the indoor swimming pool.
Beek en Donk
Boerderij: De Diepert, Handel
Boerderij: De Diepert, Handel
This old farmhouse is of a non-native type. It is a reclamation farm, beautifully preserved and t...
Hoeve Ter Ynde in Gemert
Hoeve Ter Ynde in Gemert
Ter Ynde is a vanished medieval farmstead of the Teutonic Order
Unitasgebouw Hoofdstraat 153-155 - Helmond
Unitasgebouw Hoofdstraat 153-155 - Helmond
Kerk Wilhelminalaan 18 - Helmond
Kerk Wilhelminalaan 18 - Helmond
Kanaaldijk N.W. 47
Kanaaldijk N.W. 47
Everyone knows this villa as the 'House with the Clock.' The clock not only had an aesthetic func...
Woonhuis - Molenstraat 131 Helmond
Woonhuis - Molenstraat 131 Helmond
Sculpture garden Joep Coppens
Sculpture garden Joep Coppens
The sculpture garden of Joep Coppens is located on the mill yard of the Vlierden windmill
Voormalig woonhuis - Markt 2011 Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis - Markt 2011 Helmond
Archeologische opgraving: Neerakker, Bakel
Archeologische opgraving: Neerakker, Bakel
This is one of the most important excavations in Bakel, a complete court, with village has been f...
Castle Asten-Heusden
Castle Asten-Heusden
On the edge of the Peel, hidden behind lush vegetation, lie the romantic remains of the more than...
Bust: King Louis Napoleon
Bust: King Louis Napoleon
The bust in front of the Kouwenbergs Church in Aarle-Rixtel is the only statue of King Louis Napo...
Windmill Den Evert
Windmill Den Evert
Mill Den Evert is a semi-open post mill that is located on the Einhoutsestraat in Someren.
Oude Bakelsedijk (archeologische route)
Oude Bakelsedijk (archeologische route)
The Oude Bakelsedijk was of the few ancient roads that ran all the way through the Peel, which be...
Woonhuis - Warandelaan 29 Helmond
Woonhuis - Warandelaan 29 Helmond
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