Oude Toren - Helmond
Oude Toren - Helmond
Oorlogsmonument Mariapeel
Oorlogsmonument Mariapeel
In memory of fallen pilots, who crashed in the Peel swamp during the Second World War
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
From 1923 the Post Office cum Village Store-Supermarket has been here and has been in family owne...
De Rips
Boerderij: De Diepert, Handel
Boerderij: De Diepert, Handel
This old farmhouse is of a non-native type. It is a reclamation farm, beautifully preserved and t...
Voormalig patronaat - Helmond
Voormalig patronaat - Helmond
Maria-chappel in Someren-Heide
Maria-chappel in Someren-Heide
This chapel alcove in Someren-Heide was built in 1947 by Mrs MA Sonnemans – Cardinaal (1864-1952)...
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
A Dutch labour camp with many functions and residents.
De Rips
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
Here lay, in a small cluster, butter factory, egg society, kindergarten, warehouse, farm loan ban...
De Mortel
The present church, already the sixth since the first chapel, dates from 1962.
Openlucht Galerie Helmond
Openlucht Galerie Helmond
Centrum Management Helmond has renovated the streets, removed the graffiti and refurbished the pu...
Zwarte fanfare
Zwarte fanfare
This fanfare provides various performances.
Museum Klok & Peel
Museum Klok & Peel
At Museum Klok & Peel, you learn in a unique way how De Groote Peel, a national park on the borde...
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
The aim of the senior orchestra was to continue making music in old age for as long as possible.
Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel
Chapel Onze Lieve Vrouw in ‘t Zand Aarle-Rixtel
National monument and famous place of pilgrimage with a miraculous element.
Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel
Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel
A viewing frame near the Renseweg - Welpenheuvel indicates the exact location of Gemert's Breuk.
De Mortel
Five4you is an all-round formation from Gemert and Laarbeek.
Voormalige Komschool | Gemert
Voormalige Komschool | Gemert
One of the old village schools, from 1877 that incidentally lasted until 1978.
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond is partly housed in a medieval castle and partly in the contemporary Boscotondo Ha...
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
The current Liedertafel in Beek en Donk was founded in 1992. They sing every last Friday of the m...
Beek en Donk
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 11 Helmond
Hoeve Milschot Gemert
Hoeve Milschot Gemert
Milschot farmstead is a medieval farmstead and was long owned by the Teutonic Order.
De Mortel
Grenspaal Loeff Paal
Grenspaal Loeff Paal
Boundary post between Oploo and De Rips.
De Rips