Experience culture in
the Land van de Peel
Explore castles and museums
Visit the lush remains of Asten Castle, follow a culture route through Helmond or a chateau domain walk in Deurne. You discover the most beautiful heritage. The Peel also has a diverse range of museums. Step back in time to a peeldorp from 1900 in Gemert, admire the Wieger museum and the nearby Toon Kortoomspark and don't miss the celebrated Museum Klok & Peel.
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Helling in de Lochterweg | De Mortel
Helling in de Lochterweg | De Mortel
If you look from west to east across Lochter Road, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
De Mortel
Hazenwinkel (nederzetting ijzertijd)
Hazenwinkel (nederzetting ijzertijd)
Sacred Heart Statue Beek
Sacred Heart Statue Beek
The statue of the Sacred Heart that stands immediately to the north of the west tower of St Micha...
Beek en Donk
Molenstraat 38, Helmond
Molenstraat 38, Helmond
Spatial Object artwork in Someren
Spatial Object artwork in Someren
Spatial object on the Wilhelminaplein in Someren;
The spatial object is a transparent closure of...
Statue Father Eustachius
Statue Father Eustachius
Bronze statue of Father Eustachius at the Kerkplein in Aarle-Rixtel.
Kerk Heilige Margaretha Maria Alacoque | De Rips
Kerk Heilige Margaretha Maria Alacoque | De Rips
After the "Iconoclasm" and renewal drive, this modern church was built in 1965.
De Rips
Lambertus chappel Brugstraat 1 in Someren-Eind
Lambertus chappel Brugstraat 1 in Someren-Eind
This Lambertus chapel was built in 1995 by the guild brothers of St. Lambertus under their own ma...
De Ruchte Theater and Social Cultural Center
De Ruchte Theater and Social Cultural Center
Goosebumps during a beautiful performance in our theater..... A good conversation in our foyer......
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 17 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 17 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 41 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 41 Helmond
Former presbytery
Former presbytery
The R.K. PASTORY of St Leonard's parish dates from 1895 and was built in a style with elements of...
Beek en Donk
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
A boundary post between Bakel and Gemert, placed by order of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of the Fr...
Toekomst door Samenspel
Toekomst door Samenspel
A drummer, with a little boy learning to play the drums and dog Tippie looking on.
Molenstraat 54-56, Helmond
Molenstraat 54-56, Helmond
St. Luciakerk - Helmond
St. Luciakerk - Helmond
Blue cast iron pump
Blue cast iron pump
On the triangular lawn (a 'tip') on the corner of Beekseweg and Dorpsstraat, a cast iron pump.
De Ploeg
De Ploeg
On 4 July 1996, a stone plinth was placed.
Monument Bessemer en Bessemerinneke in Someren-Heide
Monument Bessemer en Bessemerinneke in Someren-Heide
The statue of the Bessemer and the Bessemerinneke along the Kerkendijk, near the church in Somere...
Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert
Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert
The defunct wooden standard mill Het Zoutvat was built in 1554 and demolished in 1917.
Huize Maria - Mierloseweg 1b Helmond
Huize Maria - Mierloseweg 1b Helmond
Boerderij Aan de Stinckart
Boerderij Aan de Stinckart
The oldest farm in Gemert's Broekstraat.
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De Mortel
Grenspaal Paal achter 't Zand | De Mortel
Boundary post between Bakel and Gemert. The name comes from the drifting dunes that used to lie h...
De Mortel
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