Virmuntse Hoeve
Virmuntse Hoeve
Former farmhouse, owned for centuries by the Teutonic Order and the Chapel of Handel.
Bronze Sacred Heart statue
Bronze Sacred Heart statue
Sacred Heart statue, made in 1925 by J. Dechin. Freestanding, facing the square in front of the c...
Boerderij: Oude langgevel, Bakel
Boerderij: Oude langgevel, Bakel
The farm from the late 19th century aptly shows the developments in agriculture in recent centuries.
Birthplace Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius
Birthplace Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius
The striking building at Helmondseweg 20 is known as the birthplace of Aaltje Reddingius, an inte...
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
School Kleuterschool | De Mortel
Here lay, in a small cluster, butter factory, egg society, kindergarten, warehouse, farm loan ban...
De Mortel
Archeologisch monument Steentijd
Archeologisch monument Steentijd
Here in this sandy area, the prehistoric Tjongervolk visited so many times, working flint, and in...
Bear family originally stood at primary school De Muldershof. Later, it was moved to the Regter-E...
Beek en Donk
Old 'Mansion' or 'Hunting Lodge' at Havenweg no.10 in Lieshout.
Probably the oldest house in Lies...
Winkel de Gruyter - Veestraat 2 Helmond
Winkel de Gruyter - Veestraat 2 Helmond
Natuurgebied Landgoed De Krim | Elsendorp
Natuurgebied Landgoed De Krim | Elsendorp
Peellandgoed De Krim consisting of heathland, fens and a pingo.
Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert
Molen Het Zoutvat | Gemert
The defunct wooden standard mill Het Zoutvat was built in 1554 and demolished in 1917.
De Cacaofabriek
De Cacaofabriek
Do you have a penchant for culture? Then you can't ignore De Cacaofabriek in Helmond! Good movies...
De Oude Toren
De Oude Toren
The Tower is a remnant of St Michael Church, which was built in the 15th century.
Beek en Donk
Woonhuis - Molenstraat 131 Helmond
Woonhuis - Molenstraat 131 Helmond
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Hardstone kerbstones with chains
Beautiful bluestone kerbstones with chains, which are of importance due to their antiquity.
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
Kruisbeeld Voordeldonk, Bluijssensbroekdijk
This crucifix, donated by Piet Rovers, was positioned here by Bert Rovers soon after the war.
Berkes Hoeve in Gemert
Berkes Hoeve in Gemert
Berkes Hoeve is a foundation of the Teutonic Order from the 17th century.
De Mortel
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
Bolle Akkers, Bakel
These bulging bare fields are the result of centuries of peat and manure being raised by poor Pee...
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
A Dutch labour camp with many functions and residents.
De Rips
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
Bleu Thibo crane
Bleu Thibo crane
Old crane for loading and unloading.
Beek en Donk
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
In addition to being a symbol of the Christian faith, the cross is also a reminder of t...
Statue of Saint Michael
Statue of Saint Michael
This is an off-white-painted artificial stone sculpture on a pedestal, representing St. Michael,...
Beek en Donk
Bevrijdingsboom Kasteeltuin Deurne
Bevrijdingsboom Kasteeltuin Deurne