Not to be missed
in Land van de Peel
10 highlights
An introduction to Land van de Peel is one full of highlights. Step through the gates of castles and monuments and stimulate your senses in the many museums. The Peel is characterized by outstanding architecture and unique industrial and religious heritage.
D'n Bouwvakker, monument at the Wilhelminaplein in Someren
D'n Bouwvakker, monument at the Wilhelminaplein in Someren
The statue of D'n Bouwvak was donated by Bouwbedrijf Wijnen on 11-10-1985, on the occasion of the...
Watermolenwal 2-7
Watermolenwal 2-7
The symmetry, the two stories, and the hipped roof: the classical architectural style of this row...
Memorial plane crash WW-2 in the Laarstraat in Someren
Memorial plane crash WW-2 in the Laarstraat in Someren
Am Samstag, the 19. June 2021, enthüllte die Stiftung Wehrmachthuisje Someren-Heide ein Denkmal i...
Huize Maria - Mierloseweg 1b Helmond
Huize Maria - Mierloseweg 1b Helmond
Middeleeuwse waterput
Middeleeuwse waterput
This log water well from the early 13th century is of a type already in use in prehistoric times.
Lambertuskerkhof Someren graves war victims
Lambertuskerkhof Someren graves war victims
In the cemetery of the H-Lambertus parish in Someren are the graves of Someren war victims.
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Points at the Peelrand fault create red water in ditches at De Sprenk in De Mortel
De Mortel
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
WWII: Rijkswerkkamp De Rips (verdwenen) | De Rips
A Dutch labour camp with many functions and residents.
De Rips
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
Schoolmeesterswoning 1922
The Master's house was occupied by the "Upper Masters" Hertsig and Huvenaars beginning in 1922.
De Rips
Peel defence line
Peel defence line
Deurne Canal was part of the Peel defence line, a natural barrier with casemates intended to stop...
Landarbeidershuis; woonhuis - Meester Strikstraat 11-13 Helmond
Landarbeidershuis; woonhuis - Meester Strikstraat 11-13 Helmond
Leengoed Espendonck | Gemert
Leengoed Espendonck | Gemert
Originally the medieval walled fief Espendonck.
City Hall Deurne
City Hall Deurne
The town hall of Deurne was built in 1895, a tangible proof of the wealth of the municipality fro...
Indiaanse Totempaal
Indiaanse Totempaal
Piece of beautiful Indian woodcarving at the Maplehof in Mariahout Laarbeek.
De Pionier
De Pionier
The Pioneer as a statue was unveiled in 1994 as a thank you from Rabobank and a tribute to forest...
De Rips
Woonhuis en winkel - Veestraat 1, Kamstraat 49 Helmond
Woonhuis en winkel - Veestraat 1, Kamstraat 49 Helmond
House De Romein with bust Antoon Coolen
House De Romein with bust Antoon Coolen
This Monument from 1913 had famous residents, such as HN Ouwerling and Antoon Coolen
Molenstraat 38, Helmond
Molenstraat 38, Helmond
Voormalige school - Prins Karelstraat 98a Helmond
Voormalige school - Prins Karelstraat 98a Helmond
Het Plein Brandevoort
Het Plein Brandevoort
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond is partly housed in a medieval castle and partly in the contemporary Boscotondo Ha...
War memorial Liessel
War memorial Liessel
War memorial in the shape of a curved collonade, designed by the Liessel architect Laurens de Jonge.
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