Lourdesgrot Mariahout Laarbeek
Lourdesgrot Mariahout Laarbeek
Replica of a very famous French cave in Mariahout Laarbeek
Haageind castle grounds
Haageind castle grounds
Two castles with outbuildings, gardens and parks; near the Great Castle animal meadow and park in...
KidsPlaza indoor playground
KidsPlaza indoor playground
KidsPlaza is a fun indoor playground for children aged 1 to 12 years and their parents!
Sint Willibrorduskerk Liessel
Sint Willibrorduskerk Liessel
Neo-Gothic cruciform basilica, National Monument . The stained glass windows by Pieter Wiegersma...
Voormalige herberg en concertzaal, patronaat Binderseind 23 - Helmond
Voormalige herberg en concertzaal, patronaat Binderseind 23 - Helmond
Mill 'the Oostenwind'
Mill 'the Oostenwind'
No one is quite sure exactly how old the mill is, but we know for sure that a mill has stood on t...
St. Luciakerk - Helmond
St. Luciakerk - Helmond
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf"
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf"
Flourmill "De Bijenkorf" is located at Den Elding 2 in Gemert.
Here you will find all the informa...
De Peelwerker monument
De Peelwerker monument
The monument De Peelwerker at the side entrance of the town hall was made by sculptor Niek van Le...
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
Villa Tilly Home; ambtswoning - President Rooseveltlaan 4 Helmond
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
Freya search radar position with the remains of radar system blown up by the Germans themselves a...
De Rips
Schandpaal 'Kaak'
Schandpaal 'Kaak'
On the Heuvelplein stands "De Kaak" (The Jaw), or a pillory.
Beek en Donk
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
The remains of a dug antitank canal that was part of the infamous Peel-Raamstelling, a defensive...
De Rips
District building Kerkstraat in Someren
District building Kerkstraat in Someren
The old neighborhood building that previously stood here was built in 1954. One of the initiators...
Keijepaol boundairy marker in Someren-heide
Keijepaol boundairy marker in Someren-heide
Originally a four meter high border marker of the Admiralty of the Maas, which was brought from S...
WWII: Koordekanaal in het Beestenveld | De Rips
WWII: Koordekanaal in het Beestenveld | De Rips
The Koorde Canal was dug in 1939 as an addition to the Peel-Raamstelling with the Defense Canal....
De Rips
Industry Lieshout
Industry Lieshout
The Merkelbach chair factory was converted into housing years ago.
Leonarduskerk - Helmond
Leonarduskerk - Helmond
Leengoed Espendonck | Gemert
Leengoed Espendonck | Gemert
Originally the medieval walled fief Espendonck.
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
The church is not a listed building. A confessional, an organ and statues are monuments.
Beek en Donk
Artwork Peelrandbreuk
Artwork Peelrandbreuk
Along the geological fault line the Peelrandbreuk, two ornamental apple trees of different types...
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
In the seventies, Dutch architect Piet Blom built the cube houses in Helmond.
Spelend kind
Spelend kind
The image of the playing child was moved from the old location of primary school De Raagten to th...
Beek en Donk
Herenhuis Kanaaldijk N.W. 77 - Helmond
Herenhuis Kanaaldijk N.W. 77 - Helmond