Laarbeek has several bridges. The Beekse brug, De Donkse brug, De Hommel brug, Laarbrug and the A...
Beek en Donk
Oude Pastorie | Gemert
Oude Pastorie | Gemert
The De Huybert property is the old parsonage of Gemert.
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
The church is not a listed building. A confessional, an organ and statues are monuments.
Beek en Donk
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
The hamlet of Tereijken originated from a single medieval farmstead.
De Mortel
Wesselmanlaan 53
Wesselmanlaan 53
Tol- of wevershuisje
Tol- of wevershuisje
Tollhouse or weaver's house, dated on a wall anchor in the right side wall: 1785.
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
Marechausseekazerne | Gemert
In the 19th century there was unrest in Gemert; there were riots among the weavers, riots among t...
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Voted the best (family) outing in Brabant several times, this living open-air museum in Gemert of...
Carillon Jules de Corte
Carillon Jules de Corte
The Helenaveen carillon bears the name of Jules de Corte since 1996, it is a tribute to the poet-...
Windmill Den Evert
Windmill Den Evert
Mill Den Evert is a semi-open post mill that is located on the Einhoutsestraat in Someren.
Natural playground Zandbos
Natural playground Zandbos
In the middle of the woods, attractive playground equipment have been combined with natural eleme...
Woonhuizen - Zonnehofstraat 9-11 Helmond
Woonhuizen - Zonnehofstraat 9-11 Helmond
Markt 14
Markt 14
A well-preserved pearl from the 16th century. Just like with the Vleeschhouwerij, you can see fro...
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
Monument Diamanttafel in Someren
The monument De Diamantentafel in the Postelpark in Someren shows the tension between nature and...
't Oude Raadhuis
't Oude Raadhuis
This is the former town hall of Beek en Donk. Now it is used for exhibitions, Raadhuispodium conc...
Beek en Donk
Hoeve Te Groenendaal in Gemert
Hoeve Te Groenendaal in Gemert
The medieval farmstead Te Groenendaal was located on today's Groenendaal in Gemert. The associate...
Kasteel Noord
Kasteel Noord
This remarkable building at the intersection of Oostende and the Keizerin Marialaan responds in a...
Buitencentrum De Pelen
Buitencentrum De Pelen
Buitencentrum De Pelen is the gateway and information center of De Groote Peel National Park. Als...
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
From 1923 the Post Office cum Village Store-Supermarket has been here and has been in family owne...
De Rips
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond
Dienstgebouw, voormalig patronaat - Molenstraat 201
Dienstgebouw, voormalig patronaat - Molenstraat 201
De Veestraatbrug
De Veestraatbrug
Naturegate Vennenhorst
Naturegate Vennenhorst
Naturegate Vennenhorst is the entrance gate to the beautiful nature areas around Keelven and De S...
Suntemple Lux et Terra
Suntemple Lux et Terra
Artist Luciën van den Eerden builds his life's work here as a tribute to the sun. On the Lux et T...