War memorial Pyramide
War memorial Pyramide
War memorial designed by former Deurnenaar, architect Maarten de Jonge
Heemhuis 'Barthold van Heessel'
Heemhuis 'Barthold van Heessel'
Heemkamer with a large number of themed collections including archaeology, old tools, devotional/...
Oorlogsmonument | De Rips
Oorlogsmonument | De Rips
War Memorial De Rips.
De Rips
De Meet
De Meet
The Meet was placed in honour of the seventh anniversary of the Lieshout Cycling Club.
Woonhuis en winkel - Markt 41 Helmond
Woonhuis en winkel - Markt 41 Helmond
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
Grenspaal Weijser Paal
A boundary post between Bakel and Gemert, placed by order of Charles the Fifth, Emperor of the Fr...
Playground De Wieken
Playground De Wieken
Playground De Wieken, a cozy and fun playground.
Patronage building Lierop
Patronage building Lierop
The Patronaatsgebouw from 1926 was designed by architect L. de Vries and was built on the site wh...
Grenspaal Ripse Paal
Grenspaal Ripse Paal
Old boundary post between Bakel and Gemert and namesake of the young reclamation village of De Ri...
De Rips
Warande (reigerbos)
Warande (reigerbos)
Pastorie naast St. Tudokerk in Stiphout
Pastorie naast St. Tudokerk in Stiphout
Villa Ledeboer
Villa Ledeboer
The Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond
Kasteel Noord
Kasteel Noord
This remarkable building at the intersection of Oostende and the Keizerin Marialaan responds in a...
De Peelwerker monument
De Peelwerker monument
The monument De Peelwerker at the side entrance of the town hall was made by sculptor Niek van Le...
Kantongerecht Weg op den Heuvel 9 - Helmond
Kantongerecht Weg op den Heuvel 9 - Helmond
Monument 'Sporen die bleven'
Monument 'Sporen die bleven'
The monument 'Traces that stayed' in Helenaveen commemorates the series of raids in October and N...
Bear family originally stood at primary school De Muldershof. Later, it was moved to the Regter-E...
Beek en Donk
Helmond Castle
Helmond Castle
The largest water castle in the Netherlands, Helmond Castle has been a landmark in the center of...
WWII: Koordekanaal in het Beestenveld | De Rips
WWII: Koordekanaal in het Beestenveld | De Rips
The Koorde Canal was dug in 1939 as an addition to the Peel-Raamstelling with the Defense Canal....
De Rips
Boerderij De Blauwe Kei Gemert
Boerderij De Blauwe Kei Gemert
De Blauwe Kei is a national monument built in 1734 as a farm with an inn.
Kloosterkasteel Gemert
Kloosterkasteel Gemert
Nobleman Rutger van Gemert (ca. 1150 - ca. 1220) became a knight of the Teutonic Order during his...
De Tolbrug
De Tolbrug
This long-gabled farmhouse stands on the spot where toll was formerly levied for the use of the b...
Het Industrieel Atrium
Het Industrieel Atrium
Knowledge center for the industrial heritage of Helmond and its surroundings, but also a knowledg...