Nature theater De Donck
Nature theater De Donck
Nature Theater De Donck is located in a beautiful wooded area in our municipality of Someren.
De Kleine Overbrug
De Kleine Overbrug
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Boerderij: D'n Traonpot, wevershuis anno 1752, Gemert
Weavers were common in Gemert and home weaving had long been known there too. This old home weavi...
Herenhuis Markt 24 - Helmond
Herenhuis Markt 24 - Helmond
De voormalige hoeve Handel
De voormalige hoeve Handel
The vanished Handel farmstead is the oldest clearing, from which the village of Handel emerged.
Wandelroutes Natuurmonumenten Stippelberg
Wandelroutes Natuurmonumenten Stippelberg
Nature walks in De Stippelberg nature reserve.
De Rips
Woonhuizen - Klaverhof complex 1 tm 43
Woonhuizen - Klaverhof complex 1 tm 43
Markt Helmond
Markt Helmond
The Markt is the centuries-old city center of Helmond.
The architecture of the Markt is well over...
Archeologische opgraving Watermolen in Gemert
Archeologische opgraving Watermolen in Gemert
Excavation of a medieval water mill on the small river Rips. Water mills were rare in the Peel; y...
Spelend kind
Spelend kind
The image of the playing child was moved from the old location of primary school De Raagten to th...
Beek en Donk
Voormalig woonhuis Steenweg 34 - Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis Steenweg 34 - Helmond
Monument De Grote Tromslager in Lierop
Monument De Grote Tromslager in Lierop
This monument was presented in 1989 by the commissioners of Fanfare St. Willibrordus Lierop on th...
Mayor's House
Mayor's House
Old mayor's house on the Dorpsstraat 2 in Lieshout.
Church H.Lambertus in Someren-Dorp
Church H.Lambertus in Someren-Dorp
H. Lambertus Church;
The church was built in 1926 by contractor Gerard Krekelberg from Maasbrach...
Church of the Presentation of Mary
Church of the Presentation of Mary
The Church of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin Mary with its 75 meter high tower dominates the...
The present church, already the sixth since the first chapel, dates from 1962.
Passing port
Passing port
You are standing here at Laarbeek's marina. In summer, this place is full of recreational boats.
Kanaaldijk N.W. 47
Kanaaldijk N.W. 47
Everyone knows this villa as the 'House with the Clock.' The clock not only had an aesthetic func...
Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | Handel
Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | Handel
The Handel drifting dunes began to cause considerable problems for the fields around 1800 due to...
De Spijkermaker
De Spijkermaker
In 1993, the statue De Spijkermaker was unveiled at the Piet van Thielplein.
Beek en Donk
Road cross
Road cross
Road cross at the Helmondseweg/Bosscheweg junction.
Villa Jeanne - Mierloseweg 8 Helmond
Villa Jeanne - Mierloseweg 8 Helmond
School Katholieke Lagere Meisjesschool | Bakel
School Katholieke Lagere Meisjesschool | Bakel
This girls' school belonged to a convent of the Sisters of Oirschot.
Jan Paagman Observatory Asten
Jan Paagman Observatory Asten
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. For centuries, man has been fascinated by the night sky.