Not to be missed
in Land van de Peel
10 highlights
An introduction to Land van de Peel is one full of highlights. Step through the gates of castles and monuments and stimulate your senses in the many museums. The Peel is characterized by outstanding architecture and unique industrial and religious heritage.
Woonhuizen en horeca Havenweg 2, 4a-b-c en Veestraat 46 - Helmond
Woonhuizen en horeca Havenweg 2, 4a-b-c en Veestraat 46 - Helmond
Janus Meulendijkspad
Janus Meulendijkspad
Sint-Joris en de draak, bevrijdingsmonument
Sint-Joris en de draak, bevrijdingsmonument
Fratershuisschool Zuid Koninginnewal 49 - Helmond
Fratershuisschool Zuid Koninginnewal 49 - Helmond
This brother house-school was built in the period 1873-1875.
Paard van Tetje
Paard van Tetje
For almost fifteen years, the work of art 'Paard van Tetje' was a welcome guest at the home for t...
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Milheeze
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Milheeze
Waterfront church built on the remains of a medieval chapel.
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 17 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 17 Helmond
De Ploeg
De Ploeg
On 4 July 1996, a stone plinth was placed.
Villa Ledeboer
Villa Ledeboer
The Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips
Memorial Frank Doucette te Lierop
Memorial Frank Doucette te Lierop
Frank Doucette Monument in the Frank Doucettestraat:
The 'Frank Doucette Monument' in Lierop (mu...
Pastorie naast St. Tudokerk in Stiphout
Pastorie naast St. Tudokerk in Stiphout
Deer Park
Deer Park
Pay a visit to the Deer Park in Aarle-Rixtel.
WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips
WWII: Lancaster en Burg. Wijtvliet monument | De Rips
This memorial provides information about the crash of a Lancaster plane that killed 7 people. It...
De Rips
Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert
Kapel Sint Antonius | Gemert
This field chapel of the Guild of St. Anthony and Sebastian dates back to 1564 and is still part...
Molen De Beer | Gemert
Molen De Beer | Gemert
Where the Eendracht now stands, mill De Beer was built in the Middle Ages.
Sparen en spelen
Sparen en spelen
An image of children playing.
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
Kubuswoningen (paalwoningen) Helmond
In the seventies, Dutch architect Piet Blom built the cube houses in Helmond.
Former presbytery
Former presbytery
The R.K. PASTORY of St Leonard's parish dates from 1895 and was built in a style with elements of...
Beek en Donk
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
In 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...
Forest cafe De Soete Inval
Forest cafe De Soete Inval
Boscafe De Soete Inval is located along the Someren-Heeze provincial road at the 't Keelven parki...
2. Druk,druk,druk
2. Druk,druk,druk
Yes, yes, there is a lot involved in such an execution
De Spijkermaker
De Spijkermaker
In 1993, the statue De Spijkermaker was unveiled at the Piet van Thielplein.
Beek en Donk
Molenstraat 54-56, Helmond
Molenstraat 54-56, Helmond
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