Machinale weeffabriek De Hoef | Gemert
Machinale weeffabriek De Hoef | Gemert
This weaving mill was built in 1881 to compete with the large weaving mills in Helmond.
We Jump Helmond - indoor playground
We Jump Helmond - indoor playground
We-Jump is the urban trampoline park of the Helmond and Eindhoven region. Located on Suytkade in...
Paard van Tetje
Paard van Tetje
For almost fifteen years, the work of art 'Paard van Tetje' was a welcome guest at the home for t...
Poort van Ribbius
Poort van Ribbius
Ribbius' gate is actually the gate of Binderen, and originally stood in Helmond as the entrance t...
Galerie 95a
Galerie 95a
Gallery 95a is a gallery and sculpture garden, an exhibition of paintings sculptures smaller work...
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 4 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kromme Steenweg 4 Helmond
This mansion was built in 1858-1861.
Grenspaal Bunthorst Paal (Kuil)
Grenspaal Bunthorst Paal (Kuil)
The easternmost boundary marker in the Peel between Gemert and Bakel. Also the border with Oploo....
De Rips
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
WWII: Freya zoekradar | De Rips
Freya search radar position with the remains of radar system blown up by the Germans themselves a...
De Rips
Contraction Attirance
Contraction Attirance
At MFC De Dreef stands the sculpture group Contraction Attirance.
Market square Deurne
Market square Deurne
History and hospitality meet on the attractive market square
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
This memorial was presented on March 10, 1990 by the Shadow Council Someren-Eind/Sluis 13 on the...
Hoeve Nieuwenhuis in Gemert
Hoeve Nieuwenhuis in Gemert
The Hoeve Nieuwenhuis is a foundation of the Teutonic Order in the south-west of De Mortel.
De Mortel
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
At Kerkendijk 88-90, the Wehrmacht House, which was completely restored in 2019, is a reminder of...
Presbytery in Someren-Eind
Presbytery in Someren-Eind
Rectory (municipal monument) at 37 Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind;
The current building was erected...
Kruisschot in Stiphout
Kruisschot in Stiphout
Kapel van Binderen
Kapel van Binderen
The Chapel of Binderen is located in the district of Helmond-North, on the premises of the former...
War memorial Pyramide
War memorial Pyramide
War memorial designed by former Deurnenaar, architect Maarten de Jonge
Monument Bessemer en Bessemerinneke in Someren-Heide
Monument Bessemer en Bessemerinneke in Someren-Heide
The statue of the Bessemer and the Bessemerinneke along the Kerkendijk, near the church in Somere...
Monument Franciscustoren in Someren
Monument Franciscustoren in Someren
The old bell tower of the chapel of Sonnehove in Someren was officially opened on Saturday May 1,...
Virgin Mary statue in the Lourdes grotto
Virgin Mary statue in the Lourdes grotto
In 1933, when the parish church was built in Mariahout, plans were immediately made for a grotto....
Klompenmakerij Het Klompenschuurtje
Klompenmakerij Het Klompenschuurtje
Have you ever heard of a pile driver, a pile bank or a cutting horse?
Lock 6
Lock 6
Beek en Donk has one lock and that is lock 6 located on the Bosscheweg.
Beek en Donk
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
The first construction on the west side of Kerkstraat occurred between 1480 and 1500. Now the cen...
Memorial stone Mayoral murder Asten and Someren 1944
Memorial stone Mayoral murder Asten and Someren 1944
Memorial stone for the murder of the mayor near Sluis XII in Someren-Eind:
Founded 1949. Renovat...