Grenspaal Middelpaal
Grenspaal Middelpaal
Boundary post between Gemert and Bakel with the oldest mention in 1669 and which from 1818 was ca...
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
The hamlet of Tereijken originated from a single medieval farmstead.
De Mortel
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
Wehrmacht house in Someren-Heide
At Kerkendijk 88-90, the Wehrmacht House, which was completely restored in 2019, is a reminder of...
Monument Franciscustoren in Someren
Monument Franciscustoren in Someren
The old bell tower of the chapel of Sonnehove in Someren was officially opened on Saturday May 1,...
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
Confessional, organ and sculptures of St Michael's Church
The church is not a listed building. A confessional, an organ and statues are monuments.
Beek en Donk
Accretio meaning 'joining and merging into each other'.
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel
Kerk Sint Willibrordus | Bakel
This is one of the oldest churches in the region and the mother church for the Gemert, Deurn and...
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
This little building has had all kinds of functions, from sheafkeet for the reclamation workers w...
De Rips
Toon Kortooms Park
Toon Kortooms Park
The Toon Kortooms park is located at the place where the famous novelist Toon Kortooms grew up.Th...
Housing block
Housing block
Block of three houses, manufacturer's house with service quarters, built in ca. 1880 in Eclectic...
Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel
Archeologische opgraving: Achter de molen, Bakel
A complete medieval hamlet has been excavated here, dating from the 9th to the 12th century.
Royal Norfolk-monument
Royal Norfolk-monument
Heemkamer heemkundekring Helmont
Heemkamer heemkundekring Helmont
Buitencentrum De Pelen
Buitencentrum De Pelen
Buitencentrum De Pelen is the gateway and information center of De Groote Peel National Park. Als...
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
Voormalig klooster Nazareth | Gemert
In 1848, the Franciscan Sisters Penitents-Recollectines came to Gemert to establish a convent and...
Toekomst door Samenspel
Toekomst door Samenspel
A drummer, with a little boy learning to play the drums and dog Tippie looking on.
Artwork Angela Merici
Artwork Angela Merici
At the Heindertweg/Dorpsstraat you will find a work of art by Angela Merici.
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 41 Helmond
Herenhuis - Kerkstraat 41 Helmond
Voormalige pastorie
Voormalige pastorie
Herenhuis Markt 213 - Helmond
Herenhuis Markt 213 - Helmond
This townhouse was built in 1891 on the instructions of the manufacturer A. Prinzen. The architec...
Sculpture market
Sculpture market
Martin and Willeke Jeuken from Someren have a distinctive collection of garden decoration. Not on...
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
From 1923 the Post Office cum Village Store-Supermarket has been here and has been in family owne...
De Rips
ArTheo Asten-Heusden
ArTheo Asten-Heusden
At Behelp 15, you will find a studio with a sculpture garden where Theo van Dam creates mostly br...
Artwork Peelrandbreuk
Artwork Peelrandbreuk
Along the geological fault line the Peelrandbreuk, two ornamental apple trees of different types...