Not to be missed
in Land van de Peel
10 highlights
An introduction to Land van de Peel is one full of highlights. Step through the gates of castles and monuments and stimulate your senses in the many museums. The Peel is characterized by outstanding architecture and unique industrial and religious heritage.
Graveyard wall Lierop
Graveyard wall Lierop
On the north side, the yard of the Patronaatsgebouw in Lierop is bordered by the partially surviv...
Kanaalzone & Bruggen
Kanaalzone & Bruggen
The South William's Canal runs through downtown Helmond and splits the town center in an eastern...
Woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 2 Helmond
Woonhuis - President Rooseveltlaan 2 Helmond
Heemkundekring 't Hof van Liessent
Heemkundekring 't Hof van Liessent
The Heemkundekring 't Hof van Liessent is a society within the municipality of Laarbeek and inclu...
De Spijkermaker
De Spijkermaker
In 1993, the statue De Spijkermaker was unveiled at the Piet van Thielplein.
Beek en Donk
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Rood in de sloot op de Sprenk, De Mortel
Points at the Peelrand fault create red water in ditches at De Sprenk in De Mortel
De Mortel
Dubbele villa - Wesselmanlaan 17-19 Helmond
Dubbele villa - Wesselmanlaan 17-19 Helmond
Dutch Reformed Church in Someren
Dutch Reformed Church in Someren
The Dutch Reformed Church at 6 Speelheuvelplein in Someren is a national monument.
This water ma...
Herenhuizen Kanaaldijk N.W. 63-67a - Helmond
Herenhuizen Kanaaldijk N.W. 63-67a - Helmond
Museum Helmond location Kunsthal
Museum Helmond location Kunsthal
Museum Helmond contains photo and art exhibitions and is part of the Boscotondo Complex in the ci...
Birthplace Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius
Birthplace Aaltje Noordewier-Reddingius
The striking building at Helmondseweg 20 is known as the birthplace of Aaltje Reddingius, an inte...
Warande (steenovens)
Warande (steenovens)
Woonhuis Kerkstraat 47 - Helmond
Woonhuis Kerkstraat 47 - Helmond
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
The cross in 'Niemandsland' (No Man's Land)
In addition to being a symbol of the Christian faith, the cross is also a reminder of t...
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
Bebouwing westzijde Kerkstraat
The first construction on the west side of Kerkstraat occurred between 1480 and 1500. Now the cen...
Stoomzuivelfabriek De Zomerbloem te Someren
Stoomzuivelfabriek De Zomerbloem te Someren
Steam dairy factory De Zomerbloem with director's residence;
In 1909 a cooperative steam dairy f...
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Small 'Spijkerkapel' belonging to the hamlet of Esdonk where Mary Magdalene is venerated. This li...
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
Monument wheelbarrow with peat on the Nieuwendijk in Someren-Eind
This memorial was presented on March 10, 1990 by the Shadow Council Someren-Eind/Sluis 13 on the...
Kerk Wilhelminalaan 18 - Helmond
Kerk Wilhelminalaan 18 - Helmond
Old Farmhouse
Old Farmhouse
Old farmhouse on the Beemdkant nr.16 in Lieshout Laarbeek
Playgrounds Mariahout
Playgrounds Mariahout
In Mariahout there are several playgrounds for children.
Hoeve Nieuwenhuis in Gemert
Hoeve Nieuwenhuis in Gemert
The Hoeve Nieuwenhuis is a foundation of the Teutonic Order in the south-west of De Mortel.
De Mortel
Lambertus church
Lambertus church
The Saint Lambert Church in Helmond is a church in Neo-Gothic style, built in the period between...
Helmondselaan 42 en 44, Helmond
Helmondselaan 42 en 44, Helmond
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