Tour of Heilige Maria Presentatie Asten

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Rondleiding Heilige Maria Presentatiekerk Asten
Kerkstraat 2
5721 GV Asten
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The tour guide will tell you about the magnificent pulpit that dates back to 1848, the beautiful stained-glass windows and the oak Calvary Group, the church's oldest work of art. Sometimes it is also possible to climb the church tower and walk around the church vaults.

Guided tours can be booked through the Asten Tourist Office
Tel: +31 (0)493-692999/
Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Cost: €5 per person

In 2022 guided tours by an expert tourist guide will take place every first Saturday of the month (through June). These tours start at 13.30 and the cost is €5 per person. 
Registration is required via: 
Asten Tourist Office, Tel: +31 (0)493-692999/
