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VELT-Gemert mainly deals with natural cures, natural ornamental gardens, biological vegetable cul...
Painting workshop for groups that will be concluded with a cozy dinner.
Mill Den Evert is a semi-open post mill that is located on the Einhoutsestraat in Someren.
Make your own wallet, clutch, bracelet, bag, home accessories and more!
Making a piece of jewelry with your group, high tea and African drumming workshop. Finish with di...
You can join alpaca walks, meet & greet and children's parties are organised. They do mentoring o...
Make your own object out of glass in a fun workshop for groups of 6 people or more
Creative workshops for groups of adults and children and schools, such as painting, mosaics and g...
Atelier Now Thea Blok's gallery and studio is the working area.
Heemkundekring "De Vonder" The central point of Heemkundekring De Vonder is the Heemhuis. Het He...
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