Experience nature in the Peel

Explore eye-catchers such as the Groote Peel National Park and the Strabrechtse Heide or explore nature reserves such as the Grotelsche Heide, Landgoed Stippelberg or the Deurnese Peel. There is always something new to experience in the varied nature of the Peel, full of vast plains, pristine peat bogs and hidden pools. Discover the nature reserves per municipality below or get inspired with tips for the grand nature.


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49 to 58 of 58 results

  • Esperloop


    The Esperloop is a small river in the municipality of Gemert-Bakel that originates from the Snell...

  • Natuurgebied De Klotterpeel | De Rips

    Natuurgebied De Klotterpeel | De Rips

    Restoration of the old swampy Peel. After reclamation, this became nature again, just as it looke...

    De Rips
  • Walsberg forest

    Walsberg forest Walsberg Wald in Deurne

    The Walsbergse woods were created when heathland was planted with coniferous trees.

  • IVN Laarbeek Youth

    IVN Laarbeek Youth

    For the youth there is plenty to do at IVN Laarbeek

  • Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | Handel

    Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | Handel

    The Handel drifting dunes began to cause considerable problems for the fields around 1800 due to...

  • The Strabrechtse heide

    The Strabrechtse heide

    The Strabrechtse Heide is a nature reserve of approximately 1500 ha, largely managed by Staatsbos...

  • Pluk en theetuin in de 7e hemel

    Pluk en theetuin in de 7e hemel Pluktuin en theetuin in de 7e hemel Grashoek

    Relax on a covered outdoor terrace in the middle of nature. Catering with a small lunch menu; pic...

  • De Berken nature reserve

    De Berken nature reserve De Berken nature reserve

    This nature reserve is located in the stream valley of the Astense Aa brook

  • Natuurgebied De Groote Slink | Elsendorp

    Natuurgebied De Groote Slink | Elsendorp

    After Enschede businessman Abraham Ledeboer bought 1,200 acres of wasteland in the Peel very chea...

  • WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips

    WWII: Koordekanaal in de Klotterpeel | De Rips

    The remains of a dug antitank canal that was part of the infamous Peel-Raamstelling, a defensive...

    De Rips