Experience nature in the Peel

Explore eye-catchers such as the Groote Peel National Park and the Strabrechtse Heide or explore nature reserves such as the Grotelsche Heide, Landgoed Stippelberg or the Deurnese Peel. There is always something new to experience in the varied nature of the Peel, full of vast plains, pristine peat bogs and hidden pools. Discover the nature reserves per municipality below or get inspired with tips for the grand nature.


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49 to 58 of 58 results

  • Grotelse Forest

    Grotelse Forest

    Between Bakel and Aarle-Rixtel you will find the 115 hectares of the Grotelse Forest. To the sout...

  • Municipal Park the Warande

    Municipal Park the Warande

    Municipal Park the Warande is special thanks to its many relaxation facilities. In summer, variou...

  • Toon Kortooms Park

    Toon Kortooms Park Barefoot path Toon Kortooms Park Deurne

    The Toon Kortooms park is located at the place where the famous novelist Toon Kortooms grew up.Th...

  • Peelrandbreuk op Esp | Bakel

    Peelrandbreuk op Esp | Bakel

    The Peelrand fault caused an elevation change in the road and landscape on Aspen.

  • IVN Laarbeek Youth

    IVN Laarbeek Youth

    For the youth there is plenty to do at IVN Laarbeek

  • Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel

    Peelrandbreuk bij Renseweg | De Mortel

    A viewing frame near the Renseweg - Welpenheuvel indicates the exact location of Gemert's Breuk.

    De Mortel
  • Deurnese- en Mariapeel

    Deurnese- en Mariapeel Mariapeel

    The Deurne Peel and the Mariapeel surrounding the former peat districts of Griendtsveen and Helen...

  • Walsberg forest

    Walsberg forest Walsberg Wald in Deurne

    The Walsbergse woods were created when heathland was planted with coniferous trees.

  • The Neerkant forest

    The Neerkant forest The Neerkant forest

    Shifting dunes prove that the sand used to be very active here in the past.

  • Peelrandbreuk bij Hogen Aarle | De Mortel

    Peelrandbreuk bij Hogen Aarle | De Mortel

    The Peelrand fault causes a height difference in the landscape near Hogen Aarle.

    De Mortel