Broekse Hoeve care farm

A loved one close to you may have a disability; physical or mental. As a result, you may need more support than someone else. For example, to entertain yourself or to 'work', to learn, grow or just be. You are welcome for group and/or individual support.

What do you do at Zorgboerderij De Broekse Hoeve?
Every person is unique. At our farm, you do what you like to do. Nothing is compulsory. We work together in groups or individually because one person needs company while another is more on their own. There can also be differences between people when it comes to being physically active or creatively active.

At Care Farm De Broekse Hoeve, we offer everyone a safe and familiar place where you can be yourself.

We do not offe…

A loved one close to you may have a disability; physical or mental. As a result, you may need more support than someone else. For example, to entertain yourself or to 'work', to learn, grow or just be. You are welcome for group and/or individual support.

What do you do at Zorgboerderij De Broekse Hoeve?
Every person is unique. At our farm, you do what you like to do. Nothing is compulsory. We work together in groups or individually because one person needs company while another is more on their own. There can also be differences between people when it comes to being physically active or creatively active.

At Care Farm De Broekse Hoeve, we offer everyone a safe and familiar place where you can be yourself.

We do not offer you a standard menu of activities. We look at who you are and offer you the opportunities to do what suits you and what makes you feel good. So everyone has his or her own programme.

We think it is important for people of all adult ages and with different care and/or support needs to be together. Together with a professional, enthusiastic and permanent team, we provide an enjoyable and safe day programme. We can offer a lot of variety because we are small-scale.

You can come to Zorgboerderij De Broekse Hoeve if you have a PGB (personal budget), a WMO (Social Support Act) decree from the municipality, or a WLZ (Long-term Care Act) indication.

Zorgboerderij De Broekse Hoeve has an agreement with Samenwerkende Zorgboeren Zuid.

Zorgboerderij Broekse Hoeve is Hospitable Ambassador of Tourist Laarbeek.
