Get to know the Annatheater. Acting courses, tango, mindfulness, youth theatre school, performanc...
MFA De Schans | Milheeze
MFA De Schans | Milheeze
Community center "De Schans" hosts associations, foundations and other groups affiliated with Mil...
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
The aim of the senior orchestra was to continue making music in old age for as long as possible.
Bag On Wheels
Bag On Wheels
A unique eight-piece, energetic live band with fat covers and original medleys.
Beek en Donk
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
The Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...
De Ruchte Theater and Social Cultural Center
De Ruchte Theater and Social Cultural Center
Goosebumps during a beautiful performance in our theater..... A good conversation in our foyer......
Sambaband HeiSa
Sambaband HeiSa
A guaranteed party with the Samba Band HeiSa.
Openluchttheater Mariahout
Openluchttheater Mariahout
For 75 years now, the Open Air Theatre has been hosting a variety of performances.
Muziekkapel Stoudt
Muziekkapel Stoudt
Stoudt is the most modern, sociable and youngest chapel in Beek en Donk.
Beek en Donk
Het Wapen van Asten
Het Wapen van Asten
Since 1998, the establishment in Asten for your parties and celebrations. From children's party t...
MFA D'n Eik | De Rips
MFA D'n Eik | De Rips
The new multipurpose accommodation (MFA) in De Rips.
De Rips
Mixed choir Primavera
Mixed choir Primavera
Primavera, a choir to listen to and watch.
Nature theater De Donck
Nature theater De Donck
Nature Theater De Donck is located in a beautiful wooded area in our municipality of Someren.
Ganzegatse hofkapel
Ganzegatse hofkapel
The Goez Hool Band from Aarle-Rixtel started in 1980 as Ganzegats Hofkapel and can still be found...
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang Lieshout
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang Lieshout
The repertoire is profane. The choir has 35 members.
Hartje Gemert | Gemert
Hartje Gemert | Gemert
Hartje Gemert is the umbrella organization for the vibrant center of Gemert. Gemert has a center...
OverdagEnsemble Laarbeek ODE
OverdagEnsemble Laarbeek ODE
ODE is an orchestra for people who no longer work.
Beek en Donk
De Wieger Deurne
De Wieger Deurne
Besides a large collection of works by Wiegersma himself, the museum also has a collection of mod...
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
The current Liedertafel in Beek en Donk was founded in 1992. They sing every last Friday of the m...
Beek en Donk
Het Speelhuis
Het Speelhuis
Het Speelhuis is located in a striking building in the centre of Helmond. A beautiful old church...
Seniorenkoor Sint Joachim
Seniorenkoor Sint Joachim
Seniors' choir Sint Joachim has been around for over 50 years.
Beek en Donk
MFA Dorpshuis De Bron | Handel
MFA Dorpshuis De Bron | Handel
Village Hall "The Source" has several rooms available for rent for theater or music performances.
Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel
Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel
Over the years, the band has given many concerts at home and abroad and performs regularly in old...
Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...
Beek en Donk