Get to know the Annatheater. Acting courses, tango, mindfulness, youth theatre school, performanc...
Folkloregroep Dikkemik
Folkloregroep Dikkemik
Various activities are provided by Folklore Group Dikkemik.
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-Rixtel
Harmonie De Goede Hoop Aarle-Rixtel
The club spirit is of paramount importance at Harmonie De Goede Hoop.
Nature theater De Donck
Nature theater De Donck
Nature Theater De Donck is located in a beautiful wooded area in our municipality of Someren.
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje
The current Liedertafel in Beek en Donk was founded in 1992. They sing every last Friday of the m...
Beek en Donk
Muziekvereniging Muzikale
Muziekvereniging Muzikale
Led by a conductor, Muzikale plays all songs from sheet music.
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang Lieshout
Seniorenkoor Vogelenzang Lieshout
The repertoire is profane. The choir has 35 members.
Muziekvereniging De Ouwe Hap
Muziekvereniging De Ouwe Hap
The repertoire is varied. Conviviality and musicality are of paramount importance.
Mini Theater Moes in Helmond
Mini Theater Moes in Helmond
Theater De Eendracht
Theater De Eendracht
Theater De Eendracht in Gemert is a theater and activities center where culture flourishes. The t...
Dorpshuis Lieshout
Dorpshuis Lieshout
The Dorpshuis and Ons Tejater under one roof.
De Cacaofabriek
De Cacaofabriek
Do you have a penchant for culture? Then you can't ignore De Cacaofabriek in Helmond! Good movies...
Time Out Uitgaanscentrum - NXT events | Handel
Time Out Uitgaanscentrum - NXT events | Handel
At Time Out, we make your event come alive until it is buzzing with energy.
MFA D'n Eik | De Rips
MFA D'n Eik | De Rips
The new multipurpose accommodation (MFA) in De Rips.
De Rips
Jan Vlemmings guitar teacher
Jan Vlemmings guitar teacher
Learn to play guitar quickly and well with Jan Vlemmings guitar teacher.
Beek en Donk
Café The Ocean
Café The Ocean
Perron Deurne
Perron Deurne
We welcome you and your guests in our bar or terrace for lunch, a drink or play a game like bilja...
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
The Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk
Harmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...
Beek en Donk
Besides performances, DJs, and exhibitions, Lokaal42 is also a great place to enjoy drinks, meet...
Pathé Helmond
Pathé Helmond
Pathé Helmond's film selection consists of the important new films in various genres. Pathé Helmo...
Ganzegatse hofkapel
Ganzegatse hofkapel
The Goez Hool Band from Aarle-Rixtel started in 1980 as Ganzegats Hofkapel and can still be found...
Grand Café Beekman & Beekman
Grand Café Beekman & Beekman
Attractive location on the market for both a drink and a snack. In addition, options for weddings...
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
Seniorenorkest St Caecilia
The aim of the senior orchestra was to continue making music in old age for as long as possible.