A night out in the Peel

A night out in Deurne, a concert or dance performance in Gemert or a movie in Helmond? There are countless theaters and cinemas in the Peel from which to choose. Combine your visit with a dinner in one of the many restaurants and enjoy a complete night out in Land van de Peel.


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1 to 24 of 56 results

  • Annatheater


    Get to know the Annatheater. Acting courses, tango, mindfulness, youth theatre school, performanc...

  • Vocaal Ensemble 'Korale'

    Vocaal Ensemble 'Korale'

    Vocal Ensemble Korale grew out of the youth choir Don Capé and Kalliope.

  • Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje

    Liedertafel 't Nachtpitje

    The current Liedertafel in Beek en Donk was founded in 1992. They sing every last Friday of the m...

    Beek en Donk
  • Zanggroep Kalliope

    Zanggroep Kalliope

    Singing group Kalliope started in 1983 in Beek en Donk and has been led by Giel Jacobs for its en...

    Beek en Donk
  • Sambaband HeiSa

    Sambaband HeiSa

    A guaranteed party with the Samba Band HeiSa.

  • Bag On Wheels

    Bag On Wheels

    A unique eight-piece, energetic live band with fat covers and original medleys.

    Beek en Donk
  • Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U

    Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U

    The Music Education Foundation O&U offers all boys and girls from Beek and Donk the opportuni...

    Beek en Donk
  • Folkloregroep Dikkemik

    Folkloregroep Dikkemik

    Various activities are provided by Folklore Group Dikkemik.

  • Hartje Gemert | Gemert

    Hartje Gemert | Gemert

    Hartje Gemert is the umbrella organization for the vibrant center of Gemert. Gemert has a center...

  • Muziekvereniging Muzikale

    Muziekvereniging Muzikale

    Led by a conductor, Muzikale plays all songs from sheet music.

  • Mini Theater Moes in Helmond

    Mini Theater Moes in Helmond
  • Perron Deurne

    Perron Deurne Perron Deurne - interior

    We welcome you and your guests in our bar or terrace for lunch, a drink or play a game like bilja...

  • MFA De Schans | Milheeze

    MFA De Schans | Milheeze

    Community center "De Schans" hosts associations, foundations and other groups affiliated with Mil...

  • Theater De Eendracht

    Theater De Eendracht

    Theater De Eendracht in Gemert is a theater and activities center where culture flourishes. The t...

  • Pathé Helmond

    Pathé Helmond

    Pathé Helmond's film selection consists of the important new films in various genres. Pathé Helmo...

  • Seniorenorkest St Caecilia

    Seniorenorkest St Caecilia

    The aim of the senior orchestra was to continue making music in old age for as long as possible.

  • Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel

    Coöperatieve Stoomafblaaskapel

    Over the years, the band has given many concerts at home and abroad and performs regularly in old...

    Beek en Donk
  • Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk

    Harmonie O&U Beek en Donk

    Harmonie Oefening en Uitspanning with a student orchestra, the youth orchestra and a percussion g...

    Beek en Donk
  • MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel

    MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel

    The Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...

  • Zwarte fanfare

    Zwarte fanfare

    This fanfare provides various performances.

  • Jut & Jul | Gastrobar

    Jut & Jul | Gastrobar Jut & Jul Gastrobar Deurne

    Delicious and cozy lunches, dinner or drinks, 7 days a week!

  • De Wieger Deurne

    De Wieger Deurne De Wieger Deurne

    Besides a large collection of works by Wiegersma himself, the museum also has a collection of mod...

  • Café d'n Borrel

    Café d'n Borrel
  • MFA D'n Eik | De Rips

    MFA D'n Eik | De Rips

    The new multipurpose accommodation (MFA) in De Rips.

    De Rips