from your location
Saturday 22 March
14 until 18 April
Attention all sporty children from Lieshout and Mariahout: this year there will be another cyclin...
Monday 21 April
Saturday 24 May
A fun and nicely decorated volleyball tournament
3 until 6 June
From 3 to 6 June, the Avondwandel4daagse Gemert will again be organised by Wandelsportvereniging...
27 until 29 June
The church square has been transformed into a large sandy beach
Sunday 29 June
Tour the most beautiful points of hospitable Brabant with your bike. You can choose a distance of...
8 until 11 July
Organized cycling tours through De Peel with distances of 30, 45 and 60 km.
Sunday 24 August
On 24 August, several cycling clubs from Gemert-Bakel will organise the 7-village bike ride.
Sunday 21 December
Mountain bikers and gravel riders can choose a ride of 28, 49, 65 or 75 kilometers
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