KunstCafé Marjan Riesebos and John Stultjens

The cosy ArtCafe at Kunstpodium ‘t Oude Raadhuis, where you can engage in conversation with both artists Marjan Riesebos and John Stultjens. The exhibitors will explain how they work and with what materials, and there is every chance to ask your questions during the tour of the paintings and sculptures.

Marjan Riesebos' work is scenic, poetic and spherical in a semi-abstract style. Her inspiration comes from the profound influence of untouched nature. The landscape paintings and monoprints are created in an intuitive process. Essentially, they depict a sense of nostalgia for a world where peace, space and light abound. She works in a very unique way using various materials through her oil paints. The theme of nature and water can be seen in many of her works.

John Stultjens; sculptures in ‘stein&iron’
Stone and…

The cosy ArtCafe at Kunstpodium ‘t Oude Raadhuis, where you can engage in conversation with both artists Marjan Riesebos and John Stultjens. The exhibitors will explain how they work and with what materials, and there is every chance to ask your questions during the tour of the paintings and sculptures.

Marjan Riesebos' work is scenic, poetic and spherical in a semi-abstract style. Her inspiration comes from the profound influence of untouched nature. The landscape paintings and monoprints are created in an intuitive process. Essentially, they depict a sense of nostalgia for a world where peace, space and light abound. She works in a very unique way using various materials through her oil paints. The theme of nature and water can be seen in many of her works.

John Stultjens; sculptures in ‘stein&iron’
Stone and iron are two natural materials that are very different from each other, but together can form an exciting contrast. He starts by looking for special types of stone throughout the year, then polishes the image he sees in the stone smoothly: in serpentine, alabaster or selenite. Then he makes his very own combination with the raw, raw iron. That iron is often waste from a company that punched out all kinds of objects, or exciting objects he found at flea markets. What matters to him is the exciting combination in the sculptures in ‘stein&iezer’ that reinforce each other.

Engage with both artists and ask all your questions. How do you work on your artwork? What do you use to make the work? How do you find out if a work is finished? This fun and interesting activity is completely free, including free tea/coffee. The Art Café only has a limited number of places available, so please register as soon as possible via the email address. You can find more information on the website.  


  • Thursday the 3rd of october 2024 from 14:00 to 15:30


  • Free
