Sint bezoek in Milheeze
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Kerk Milheeze
Past.Simonisplein 22 Pastoor Simonisplein
5763 BG Milheeze Plan your route
Past.Simonisplein 22 Pastoor Simonisplein
5763 BG Milheeze Plan your route
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The time has come on Sunday, November 19, 2021. Sinterklaas and his Pieten will pay a visit to Milheeze. At noon the doors of the church will open. For the children there is place on first pews so they can see everything well. If this is still a bit exciting, they can also take a seat with their parents.
Once everyone is in the church, the "Saint Factor" show starts with music, dancing and a spectacular ending. To get in the mood you can color the drawing accompanying this article and write your name on it. Print it out and make a cool Santa hat or necklace which you can wear in church.
Around 2 p.m. the show will end. Before you leave the church you can have your picture taken with Sinterklaas.