145 to 168 of 396 results
Publieksavond in Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht en Pieterse Planetarium Asten aanmelden
Publieksavond in Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht en Pieterse Planetarium Asten aanmelden18 April, 2 May and 2 more days
Motorische Demo-Dagen Asten gaat niet door
Motorische Demo-Dagen Asten gaat niet doorFriday 18 April
Asten -
Stephanie Louwrier
Stephanie LouwrierFriday 18 April
Helmond -
Theater company De Klotlanders
Theater company De KlotlandersSaturday 19 April
Wrong Help in the Emergency Room
Deurne -
Bende van Beuving
Bende van BeuvingSaturday 19 April
Ernest Beuving sings and seeks Cohen.
Lieshout -
Eitje (3+)
Eitje (3+)Sunday 20 April
Helmond -
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum
Pasen in het Boerenbondsmuseum20 and 21 April
Spring is in full swing at the Boerenbondsmuseum! Enjoy young animals that are eager to go outsid...
Gemert -
De Neehoorn (7-12 jaar)
De Neehoorn (7-12 jaar)Monday 21 April
Helmond -
D.O.C. Oldtimer toertocht - Paasrit
D.O.C. Oldtimer toertocht - PaasritMonday 21 April
Celebrate Easter in style with the D.O.C. Oldtimer tour Easter Drive. Drive your classic car thro...
Deurne -
Easter party at the kabouterpad in De Groote Peel
Easter party at the kabouterpad in De Groote PeelMonday 21 April
Celebrate Easter on the Gnome trail in De Groote Peel! Go with toddler gnomes in search of eggs h...
Ospeldijk -
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert
Historical parade Boerenbondsmuseum GemertMonday 21 April
Discover an overview of life in a Brabant village from 1900 to 1940. Traditions are shown and all...
Gemert -
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.
Jaarlijkse motorzegening MC Laurentia Milheeze.Monday 21 April
Milheeze -
Easter brunch
Easter brunchMonday 21 April
Children can bake pancakes with the Easter Bunny
Deurne -
Toeac met Ariane Schluter en Ali Ben Horsting
Toeac met Ariane Schluter en Ali Ben HorstingTuesday 22 April
Helmond -
Veertiendaagse Markt in Asten
Veertiendaagse Markt in Asten23 April, 7 May and 18 June
Asten -
Cinema Het Witte Doek - Inshallah a Boy
Cinema Het Witte Doek - Inshallah a BoyWednesday 23 April
Well-constructed, moving and often humorous debut by Jordanian Amjad Al Rasheed about women's rig...
Deurne -
Stefan de Walle en Angela Schijf
Stefan de Walle en Angela SchijfWednesday 23 April
Helmond -
Documentary 'Obesity from within'
Documentary 'Obesity from within'Thursday 24 April
Obesity is about health, not about whether you are 'beautiful' or not. Every person is beautiful.
Deurne -
NovastarThursday 24 April
Helmond -
The African Mamas
The African MamasFriday 25 April
Helmond -
Koningsnacht op 't Ridderplein
Koningsnacht op 't RidderpleinFriday 25 April
On 25 April, King's Night at 't Ridderplein will be organised by cafe Gij&Ik.
Gemert -
De Slag Om Asten
De Slag Om AstenFriday 25 April
Asten -
Royal Music Night
Royal Music NightFriday 25 April
2-Yearly proms concert with the participation of national and local artists
Deurne -
Koningsdag Gemert
Koningsdag GemertSaturday 26 April
In the city centre, there will be a free market with all kinds of stalls with something for every...