169 to 192 of 464 results
Feestival at Time Out Gemert
Feestival at Time Out Gemert1 until 4 March
Celebrate carnival at Time Out during Feestival 2025! The carnival party of the year: 4 nights op...
Handel23 -
St. Genesius
St. GenesiusSaturday 1 March
Helmond -
Carnival Parade in Kaauw Voetenland Lierop
Carnival Parade in Kaauw Voetenland LieropSaturday 1 March
On Carnival Saturday, the colourful Carnival Parade will again march through the streets of the K...
Lierop -
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.1 until 4 March
From 10 February to 13 February, several carnival activities of Laotbloeiers will...
Costume ball
Costume ballSaturday 1 March
Traditionally, the costumed prize ball takes place on Carnival Saturday at residence 'Jantine's c...
Aarle-Rixtel -
Carnavalsmis r'Ommelpotters Asten-Ommel
Carnavalsmis r'Ommelpotters Asten-OmmelSaturday 1 March
Little Carnival
Little CarnivalSaturday 1 March
Carnival afternoon for families with young children
Deurne -
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.1 until 4 March
Ganzegat parade
Ganzegat paradeSunday 2 March
Ganzegat is about to train the laughing muscles of the surrounding area with the hilarious parade...
Aarle-Rixtel -
Carnival parade Deurne
Carnival parade DeurneSunday 2 March
A variety of floats, groups and music move through the streets
Deurne -
Tienercarnaval2 until 4 March
On March 2,3 and 4 again the famous teen carnival in the Eendracht in Gemert.
Gemert -
Reundje KLot
Reundje KLotSunday 2 March
Asten -
Ganzendonck parade
Ganzendonck paradeSunday 2 March
You can watch the most beautiful groups during the Ganzendonck parade.
Beek en Donk -
Family Day
Family DaySunday 2 March
A Family Day after the carnival parade at Jantine's Canteen.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Procession Heidurp and Raopersgat
Procession Heidurp and RaopersgatSunday 2 March
The Heidurp and Raopersgat hold a joint parade every year.
Lieshout -
StuiterbalSunday 2 March
Asten -
Groot Gemertse optocht de Drumknaauwers
Groot Gemertse optocht de DrumknaauwersSunday 2 March
Traditionally, on Carnival Sunday, the Procession passes through the streets of Waeverstad. The P...
Gemert -
Optocht van de Streupers
Optocht van de StreupersMonday 3 March
On March.3 the beautiful parade of the Streupers will once again pass through the streets of de...
De Rips -
RozenmondègMonday 3 March
The pub crawl of Deurne
Deurne -
Peasant wedding Raopersgat
Peasant wedding RaopersgatMonday 3 March
A peasant couple marry in un-marriage in Raopersgat.
Lieshout -
Optocht van de Peelvruuters
Optocht van de PeelvruutersMonday 3 March
On March.3 the carnival parade of the Peelvruuters will once again pass through the streets of El...
Elsendorp -
Mopping with the tap open
Mopping with the tap openMonday 3 March
Aarle-Rixtel -
Optocht van de Bergkneuters
Optocht van de BergkneutersMonday 3 March
On March 3 the famous carnival parade of the Bergkneuters will pass through the streets of Hande...
Handel -
Carnaval - Deurne Zingt Mee
Carnaval - Deurne Zingt MeeMonday 3 March
The biggest karaoke party of the year