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Carnavalsoptocht Helenaveen
Carnavalsoptocht HelenaveenTuesday 4 March
A colorful procession passes through the streets
Helenaveen -
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.
Carnaval met de Laotbloeiers in Gemert.Tuesday 4 March
From 10 February to 13 February, several carnival activities of Laotbloeiers will...
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.
Carnaval met de Veenmollen in Milheeze.Tuesday 4 March
Carnival parade Farmers' wedding de Kei Liessel
Carnival parade Farmers' wedding de Kei LiesselTuesday 4 March
Farmers nostalgic parade with real horsepower
Liessel -
Children's matinee
Children's matineeTuesday 4 March
CV De Torenkraaien hold a children's matinee at café-zaal van de Burgt.
Beek en Donk -
Piep Boem Knor Wind Band Festival
Piep Boem Knor Wind Band FestivalTuesday 4 March
A Wind Band Festival in the Luuk tent on the Heuvelplein.
Beek en Donk -
Dolle dinsdagmiddag in Asten-Ommel
Dolle dinsdagmiddag in Asten-OmmelTuesday 4 March
Closing ball
Closing ballTuesday 4 March
Closing of Carnival 2025 at Jantine's Canteen!
Aarle-Rixtel -
Carnaval met de Streupers in de Rips
Carnaval met de Streupers in de RipsTuesday 4 March
Carnaval met de Pierewaaiers in Bakel.
Carnaval met de Pierewaaiers in Bakel.Tuesday 4 March
Carnival activities of the Pierewaaiers will again take place from February 9 to 14 in residence...
Bakel -
Boerenbruiloft van carnavalsvereniging de Pierewaaiers - Bakel
Boerenbruiloft van carnavalsvereniging de Pierewaaiers - BakelTuesday 4 March
Bakel -
Carnaval vier je bij Gij en Ik Gemert
Carnaval vier je bij Gij en Ik GemertTuesday 4 March
Celebrate carnival at Gij en ik in Gemert in a cosy atmosphere from 0 February to 13 February
Gemert -
Feestival at Time Out Gemert
Feestival at Time Out GemertTuesday 4 March
Celebrate carnival at Time Out during Feestival 2025! The carnival party of the year: 4 nights op...
Handel23 -
Carnaval in Krulstarteland
Carnaval in KrulstartelandTuesday 4 March
Carnival in krulstarteland at cafe t Anker in Mortel on 26,28 february,1,2,3 and 4 march. Several...
de Mortel -
Peelstrekelpop burning
Peelstrekelpop burningTuesday 4 March
Last official act on the Market
Deurne -
Carnavalsoptocht Griendtsveen
Carnavalsoptocht GriendtsveenTuesday 4 March
Griendtsveen -
Programme Raopers
Programme RaopersTuesday 4 March
The Lieshout Hospitality Industry is joining hands and celebrating Carnival together at the Raope...
Lieshout -
Optocht van de Veenmollen
Optocht van de VeenmollenTuesday 4 March
On Feb. 13, the parade of the Veenmollen passes through the streets of Milheeze.
Milheeze -
TienercarnavalTuesday 4 March
On March 2,3 and 4 again the famous teen carnival in the Eendracht in Gemert.
Gemert -
Ukkepukkebal De Strikkelkes
Ukkepukkebal De StrikkelkesTuesday 4 March
With performances by the dance marietjes of the Peelstrekels
Deurne -
Carnaval met de Peelvruuters in Elsendorp
Carnaval met de Peelvruuters in ElsendorpTuesday 4 March
Gardist afternoon
Gardist afternoonTuesday 4 March
The Gardists have put together another afternoon programme.
Lieshout -
Carnavalsdinsdag - Gehaktbal
Carnavalsdinsdag - GehaktbalTuesday 4 March
An afternoon full of entertainment you will never forget
Deurne -
(Bord)spellenavond Sint Jozefparochie
(Bord)spellenavond Sint Jozefparochie4 March, 1 April and 2 more days
There is a wide collection of modern board games available to play.
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