25 to 48 of 394 results
Dai Carter
Dai CarterFriday 14 March
Helmond -
Pubquiz in de Heiakker
Pubquiz in de HeiakkerFriday 14 March
Have a chance to win that great prize!
Deurne -
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdag
Buskens burgerlijke vrijdagFriday 14 March
Every 2nd Friday of the month after dinner 'n nice music. March 14 will be the Buskens' Civil F...
Gemert -
Game night in de Bunker
Game night in de BunkerFriday 14 March
There will be another game night at the Bunker in Gemert on 14 March
Gemert -
Weekly market Deurne
Weekly market Deurneweekly
Here you will find numerous stalls including clothing and delicious fresh produce
Deurne -
Duurzame weekmarkt Brandevoort
Duurzame weekmarkt Brandevoortweekly
Helmond -
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemert
Rondleiding historisch centrum Gemertuntil 13 December
A tour of the historic centre of Gemert Forest will be provided by VVV guides.
Gemert -
The Evening of the Zhum
The Evening of the ZhumSaturday 15 March
With many performances by top talkers and musicians
Vlierden -
St. Genesius
St. GenesiusSaturday 15 March
Helmond -
Deurne dictation
Deurne dictationSaturday 15 March
Who is convinced that he/she is really good at our Deurne dialect?
Deurne -
Bingo in the Heiakker
Bingo in the Heiakker15 March, 12 April and 17 May
With nice prizes to be won in the lottery
Deurne -
Weekmarkt Helmond Centrum
Weekmarkt Helmond Centrumweekly
On Saturdays, the market participants display their wares in the heart of Helmond. You can go her...
Helmond -
Concertcyclus - Projectkoor Cantiamo
Concertcyclus - Projectkoor CantiamoSunday 16 March
Sings Requiems by Pizzetti and Howells, among others
Deurne -
Poppenkast Alda Loeffen
Poppenkast Alda LoeffenSunday 16 March
Helmond -
Vlooienmarkt in de Rips.
Vlooienmarkt in de Rips.Sunday 16 March
De Rips -
Jeugd toneel in Asten-Heusden
Jeugd toneel in Asten-Heusden16 March, 22 March and 23 March
Asten-Heusden -
Huisconcert - Glenn de Roo
Huisconcert - Glenn de RooSunday 16 March
With his musical guitar sounds. The set list includes film music and Spanish music
Deurne -
Wandelen met Immer Weer Asten
Wandelen met Immer Weer AstenSunday 16 March
Asten -
Sessie X-special
Sessie X-specialSunday 16 March
Full of music and a very special photo exhibition
Deurne -
Koopzondag 21 juni
Koopzondag 21 juniweekly
Helmond -
Gemertse liederentafel
Gemertse liederentafelMonday 17 March
On March 17 there will be another Gemert song table at cafe den Engelenburcht in Gemert. Musical...
Gemert -
Holland Dance Festival
Holland Dance FestivalTuesday 18 March
Helmond -
Bordspelavond Heiakker
Bordspelavond Heiakker18 March, 15 April and 2 more days
The Heiakker working group is again organizing board game evenings on the third Tuesday of the month
Deurne -
Lecture: Miller, a versatile profession throughout the ages
Lecture: Miller, a versatile profession throughout the agesWednesday 19 March
Speaker: Hans van den Broek