289 to 312 of 413 results
Handelse processie
Handelse processie21 and 22 June
On 21 and 22 June is again the annual pilgrimage from Valkenswaard to Handel. Known as Handel pro...
Handel -
Danslokaal in de Eendracht.
Danslokaal in de Eendracht.21 and 22 June
Kunstlokaal is hosting Dance Class on June 22 and 23 at culture house de Eendracht.
Gemert -
Eurosjopper Festival in Lierop
Eurosjopper Festival in LieropSaturday 21 June
During this one-day festival, the Eurosjopper Festival, serves up 29 bands and a bunch of DJs. A...
Lierop -
Xplosion - Heitraction-Meerkamp
Xplosion - Heitraction-Meerkamp21 and 22 June
Two-day all-around camp for different age categories
Deurne -
Wandelen met Immer Weer Asten
Wandelen met Immer Weer AstenSunday 22 June
Asten -
The afternoon of the Brabant Song
The afternoon of the Brabant SongSunday 22 June
The afternoon of the Brabant song with this year Lya de Haas and Friends of Tjeu in the Mariahout...
Mariahout -
Volendam of the South
Volendam of the SouthSunday 22 June
Volendam van het Zuiden Come to the music festival 'Volendam of the South' in the Boerenbondsmus...
Gemert -
KBO wandelen met De Stappers Asten
KBO wandelen met De Stappers AstenThursday 26 June
Asten -
Mega Beach Festival Zeilberg
Mega Beach Festival Zeilberg27 until 29 June
The church square has been transformed into a large sandy beach
Deurne -
Mortel Kermis
Mortel Kermis27 until 30 June
Mortel Fair from June 27,28,29,30 on the village square in Mortel. Program will follow in due co...
De Mortel -
RONDÉFriday 27 June
Four-piece Dutch indie pop band RONDÉ immediately broke through in 2014 with their first single Run.
Mariahout -
Beachevent Laarbeek
Beachevent Laarbeek28 and 29 June
The two-day Beachevent Laarbeek will be held at The Village Garden.
Beek en Donk -
Kennedy toertocht te Someren
Kennedy toertocht te SomerenSunday 29 June
Tour the most beautiful points of hospitable Brabant with your bike. You can choose a distance of...
Someren -
Carnation Day in Tuinpad Park
Carnation Day in Tuinpad ParkSunday 29 June
Veterans Meeting
Deurne -
Autozegening Elsendorp
Autozegening ElsendorpSunday 29 June
On June 29 at 11 a.m. after the celebration at the church of St. Christoffel in Elsendorp, the tr...
Elsendorp -
Archery at Boerenbondsmuseum
Archery at BoerenbondsmuseumSunday 29 June
Archery Are you fascinated by archery? Try it out for yourself under professional guidance with...
Gemert -
Gimmert Gist beer festival
Gimmert Gist beer festivalSunday 29 June
The nineth edition of the Gimmert Gist beer festival will take place on 29 June. Various regional...
Gemert -
Bedevaart van Geldrop naar Handel
Bedevaart van Geldrop naar HandelSunday 29 June
On 29 June, there will be the traditional pilgrimage from Geldrop to Handel again.
Handel -
Last rehearsal harmony St Caecilia
Last rehearsal harmony St CaeciliaMonday 30 June
Harmony St Caecila closes the season's final rehearsal at the Open Air Theatre.
Mariahout -
Zomeravondconcert Heusden-Oost
Zomeravondconcert Heusden-OostMonday 30 June
Asten-Heusden -
Pleinconcert Harmonie St. Cecilia Asten
Pleinconcert Harmonie St. Cecilia AstenWednesday 2 July
Asten -
I.V.N. woensdagmiddag wandeling voor senioren
I.V.N. woensdagmiddag wandeling voor seniorenThursday 3 July
Asten -
Kennedy march through Deurne
Kennedy march through DeurneSaturday 5 July
Plenty of fun on the Markt and in the Hellemanstraat with the arrival of the march
Deurne -
Nostalgic fairground
Nostalgic fairground5 until 7 July
From 5 to 7 July, the traditional nostalgic carnival at the Boerenbondsmuseum Gemert will be held...