Heemkundekring De Lange Vonder

Local history focuses on the past. But from this past, we learn to understand the present better and it helps us to develop a vision of the future.

Why folklore?

Sometimes we wonder why things are the way they are. Often the answer lies in the past. So, folklore starts a lot with the question 'why'. It is therefore primarily an activity for curious people. Are you interested in the lives of your (great) grandparents? Do you want to know what the village you live in looked like in the past? Do you want to know who built your present house and its surroundings, and under what conditions? Then local history is a must for you. Are you looking for your roots? Then the local history society can help you. 

Fascinating and multifaceted

Local his…

Local history focuses on the past. But from this past, we learn to understand the present better and it helps us to develop a vision of the future.

Why folklore?

Sometimes we wonder why things are the way they are. Often the answer lies in the past. So, folklore starts a lot with the question 'why'. It is therefore primarily an activity for curious people. Are you interested in the lives of your (great) grandparents? Do you want to know what the village you live in looked like in the past? Do you want to know who built your present house and its surroundings, and under what conditions? Then local history is a must for you. Are you looking for your roots? Then the local history society can help you. 

Fascinating and multifaceted

Local history is interesting, fun and enjoyable. Of course, you can pursue your hobby on your own, but not necessarily. There are many like-minded spirits involved in folklore. Through the community, you come into contact with all kinds of things: of course with community science and history, but also with archaeology, with old writing, with economic, domestic and technical developments, with changes in customs and human behaviour, and so on. In these times of rapid change, it is good to take time for the past, to preserve it as well as possible.

Alive and kicking

Even though local history is mainly concerned with the past, it is not a stuffy thing. It is also involved in contemporary developments. The municipal redivisions of a few years ago gave local history groups new activities. The city council regularly asks us for advice on various matters, such as street names and the design and determination of the municipal monument policy. We have a representative on the commission for monuments and street names. Digitisation and the Internet have not gone by unnoticed either. This is one of the reasons why folklore is developing so rapidly. These developments offer new opportunities and challenges all the time.

Geemkundekring 'De Lange Vonder

The society was founded in 1951 and has about 170 members. There is a wide range of activities.


Five to six times a year a lecture is held on local history subjects, which usually concern Beek en Donk, Peelland or Noord-Brabant. They are also open to non-members.


Twice a year an exhibition is organised in the local history museum, partly from our own collection, partly with objects from third parties or other museums. 

Historical chamber

In the local history room on the Parklaan near the Koppelstraat we have set up a permanent local history and archaeology exhibition. Our collection is still growing. On request, we can give guided tours to individuals or groups.

Library and other collections

In the library we have an extensive collection of books on local history, genealogy and related subjects. We also have an extensive collection of (old) photographs, especially of Beek en Donk and Beek en Donk people. Our collection of prayer cards may be called interesting. All Laarbekers published from the beginning are also present. From 1975 onwards, all newspaper cuttings have been collected about matters relating to Beek en Donk and published in the local newspapers. There are about 9000 of them! All of this is digitised and can therefore be consulted quickly using keywords. Finally, the Heemkamer has baptism, marriage and burial books, as well as the registers of civil status of the former municipality of Beek en Donk. These data are also available on microfiche at the Heemkamer. 
