School: Latijnse School, Gemert

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School: Latijnse School, Gemert
5421 KR Gemert
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In 1587, the Latin School was opened in Gemert. Here, as the name suggests, residents could study Latin, in addition to subjects such as etymologica, syntax poësis and, later, rhetoric. Religion was also very important at the school and many former students went on to Leuven to study theology. There was even a student association there for students from Gemert. In 1891, the Latin School was demolished and replaced by the current building. In 1969, the school finally had to close its doors. Now the building is used as the historical information house 'De Latijnse School', a collaboration of the Gemert-Bakel Municipal Archives and Heemkundekring 'De Kommanderij Gemert'.

Landcommandeur of the Teutonic Order…

In 1587, the Latin School was opened in Gemert. Here, as the name suggests, residents could study Latin, in addition to subjects such as etymologica, syntax poësis and, later, rhetoric. Religion was also very important at the school and many former students went on to Leuven to study theology. There was even a student association there for students from Gemert. In 1891, the Latin School was demolished and replaced by the current building. In 1969, the school finally had to close its doors. Now the building is used as the historical information house 'De Latijnse School', a collaboration of the Gemert-Bakel Municipal Archives and Heemkundekring 'De Kommanderij Gemert'.

Landcommandeur of the Teutonic Order at Alden Biesen, Hendrik van Ruijschenbergh, founded Gemert's Latin School in 1587. As the name indicates, Latin is the main subject. The leadership of the school is in the hands of a priest of the Teutonic Order. The first rector was Albert Strijbosch, pastor of Gemert. He is a Gemert native. Landcommandeur Van Ruijschenbergh provides 10,000 guilders (over 4,000 euros) annually for twelve scholarships. Six are intended for boys from Gemert and the other six for candidates from Sint-Pietersvoeren and Gruitrode. These are also commanderies of the Teutonic Order. They are under the personal supervision of the rector and are allowed to stay for four years. In the first decades of The Revolt (1568-1648), many Latin schools die a gentle death or are relegated to primary education. Not so the Gemert Latin School. Latin is the unifying principle at school around which all education revolves. Students study the two figures etymologica, syntax poësis and later rhetoric. The school is a great success: in the 17th century, almost all the inhabitants of Gemert can write. Many students of the Gemert school go on to study in Leuven, a large number theology. So it is not surprising there in 1728 the student association "Congregatio Municipii Gemertanii" is founded. Presumably, Laurentius Keizer is one of the school's first students. 

He became the first president of the College of Louvain in 1621, which was also founded by the Teutonic Order.

On the 300th anniversary of the Latin School, the old school building was demolished and the present building with a rector's residence was erected. Construction was completed in 1891. Above the high entrance doors are the arms of the founder Hendrik van Ruijschenbergh with the motto 'Soli Deo Gloria' and of Pope Leo XIII with the motto 'Lumen in caelo'. At the end of the 1950s, the school became too small to accommodate the influx of priestly students. A new school was built near St. Gerard's Church and from 1959 the Latin School flourished as never before until the doors were forced to close in 1969 due to a lack of priestly students.

An uncertain time dawns for the monumental Latin School on Ruijschenbergh Street when the new building is completed in 1959. First a typewriter assembly company moved in: Royal McBee and when the building was empty in 1974, it was squatted by young people. They turned it into a youth club called "The Red Lantern. Starting in 1977, the municipal archives were located in the old Latin School and later the local history society De Kommanderij Gemert. In 2006-2007, the school and the rector's house were renovated and provided with a large archive basement. For additional information about the history of the municipality you can therefore visit this Latin School.
