337 to 360 of 1580 results
Postkantoor 1923 annex Dorpswinkel
Postkantoor 1923 annex DorpswinkelFrom 1923 the Post Office cum Village Store-Supermarket has been here and has been in family owne...
De Rips -
Minicamping Aachterum
Minicamping Aachterum -
Villa den Zwaluw - Helmond
Villa den Zwaluw - Helmond -
Restaurant Clouds
Restaurant CloudsClouds represents a beautiful product that will make you delighted. A product that has been compo...
Deurne -
BnB De Peelvos
BnB De PeelvosBed and breakfast in the outskirts of Deurne with space and privacy!
Deurne -
Long-gable farmhouse Croylaan Aarle Rixtel
Long-gable farmhouse Croylaan Aarle RixtelFarmhouse of the Kempen long-gable type.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De Rips
Theehuis 't Peelpaleis | De RipsThis little building has had all kinds of functions, from sheafkeet for the reclamation workers w...
De Rips -
De Burcht
De Burcht -
Huijs Bloemendael | Handel
Huijs Bloemendael | HandelThis is the original house of the penitent brothers in Handel. These religious were expelled duri...
Handel -
Beer tasting in de Peel
Beer tasting in de PeelHigh Beer. Enjoy specially selected beer with a group that originated in de Peel in combination w...
Deurne -
Community House De Vurherd Lierop
Community House De Vurherd LieropDe Vurherd is the community center of Lierop, one of the four church villages of Someren. De Vurh...
Lierop -
SARO Auto en Camper Techniek
SARO Auto en Camper TechniekYou drive, we take care of the rest.
Beek en Donk -
Museum Helmond, Castle Helmond
Museum Helmond, Castle HelmondMuseum Helmond is partly housed in a medieval castle and partly in the contemporary Boscotondo Ha...
Helmond -
Paard van Tetje
Paard van TetjeFor almost fifteen years, the work of art 'Paard van Tetje' was a welcome guest at the home for t...
Aarle-Rixtel -
MFA Het Parochiehuis | Bakel
MFA Het Parochiehuis | BakelThe Parish House: contemporary theater, meeting and conference center for everyone, for all occas...
Bakel -
Playgrounds Aarle-Rixtel
Playgrounds Aarle-RixtelThe little ones can play outside for a while.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Bezoek & Rondleiding Sint Willibrorduskerk Deurne
Bezoek & Rondleiding Sint Willibrorduskerk Deurne -
Dennendijkse Forests
Dennendijkse ForestsThe Dennendijk forest is a young forest area with some clearings called 'bleken' in Dutch. 'Bleke...
Asten -
The Neerkant forest
The Neerkant forestShifting dunes prove that the sand used to be very active here in the past.
Neerkant -
Cafetaria 't Hout
Cafetaria 't Hout -
Winkelwoonhuis Kerkstraat 48 - Helmond
Winkelwoonhuis Kerkstraat 48 - HelmondThis shop-residential house with a facade from 1890 was fitted with a shop window in Art Nouveau...
Rivier de Aa
Rivier de AaVarious canals and rivers run through Beek en Donk. The Aa is one of them.
Beek en Donk -
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond
Complex woonhuizen - Willem Beringsplein 76-96 Helmond -
Street Art - Lucas Gassel on the Library Wall
Street Art - Lucas Gassel on the Library WallYou can keep looking at this mural because it’s filled with symbolism and references. It’s a whop...