529 to 552 of 1580 results
Longhouse Kannelustweg Aarle-Rixtel
Longhouse Kannelustweg Aarle-RixtelFarmhouse of the long gable type from 1714 under a pitched saddle roof; six-pane sliding windows...
Aarle-Rixtel -
Natuurgebied Beestenveld | De Rips
Natuurgebied Beestenveld | De RipsThe Beestenveld is a forest area of about 362 ha owned by the Forestry Commission.
De Rips -
Maria-chappel in Someren-Heide
Maria-chappel in Someren-HeideThis chapel alcove in Someren-Heide was built in 1947 by Mrs MA Sonnemans – Cardinaal (1864-1952)...
Someren-Heide -
Archeologische opgraving Watermolen in Gemert
Archeologische opgraving Watermolen in GemertExcavation of a medieval water mill on the small river Rips. Water mills were rare in the Peel; y...
Gemert -
Frank's Tango hostel Helmond
Frank's Tango hostel Helmond -
Cafetaria Brandevoort
Cafetaria BrandevoortAt Cafetaria Brandevoort, you have a wide selection of freshly cut fries, snacks, hamburgers, sal...
Helmond -
Herberghe de Coeckepanne
Herberghe de CoeckepanneHerberghe de Coeckepanne has been a household name in Lierop and the wider area for the past 50 y...
Lierop -
Poort van Ribbius
Poort van RibbiusRibbius' gate is actually the gate of Binderen, and originally stood in Helmond as the entrance t...
Lieshout -
Boulder on the Vaarsehoefweg in Lierop
Boulder on the Vaarsehoefweg in LieropBoulder on the Vaarsehoefweg in Lierop: In the night of 11 to 12 August 1942, a Wellington of th...
Lierop -
The EDAH-Museum
The EDAH-MuseumThe EDAH-Museum shows the development of the distribution and production of foodstuffs from the p...
Helmond -
Monument O&U
Monument O&UFrom a distance, they just look like two loose pieces of steel. But those who come closer to the...
Beek en Donk -
Electro Kuijpers the specialist in white goods
Electro Kuijpers the specialist in white goodsWelcome to Electro Kuijpers. We are a family business. We sell white goods, built-in and freestan...
Deurne -
WWII: Loopgraven in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
WWII: Loopgraven in de Klotterpeel | De RipsAt this site lie the last remnants of the trenches that were zigzagged through the Peel just befo...
De Rips -
Heerlijck Besonder; day care restaurant in Someren
Heerlijck Besonder; day care restaurant in SomerenDeliciously Besonder! Our food is more delicious, but do you know what makes Heerlijck Besonder s...
Someren -
Belfort De Vossenberg
Belfort De VossenbergWhoever stands next to the 22 meter high Belfry, is on historic grounds. More than 75 years ago,...
Meijel -
NS station Helmond 't Hout
NS station Helmond 't HoutHelmond 't Hout station is a train station in the city of Helmond located between Eindhoven and V...
Smithy Thijs van de Manakker
Smithy Thijs van de ManakkerAlmost every one who sees hot iron gets fascinated, for me it's more then fascination, to me its...
Helenaveen -
Laarbeek community bus
Laarbeek community busThe Buurtbus runs from Beek en Donk to Helmond via the Laarbeek villages of Mariahout, Lieshout a...
Beek en Donk -
Munitiehuisje Deurne
Munitiehuisje DeurneThe former ammunition house, also known as 'flop house', is located on the border of the municipa...
Deurne -
Thrift store Rommel of Rijkdom
Thrift store Rommel of RijkdomAt Recycling Store 'Rommel of Rijkdom' you will find everything from furniture and white goods to...
Deurne -
Peeltroef Helenaveen
Peeltroef HelenaveenWant to really experience De Peel? Visit the Peel troeven. Each Peel troef represents a beautiful...
Helenaveen -
Tol- of wevershuisje
Tol- of wevershuisjeTollhouse or weaver's house, dated on a wall anchor in the right side wall: 1785.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Villa Kanaaldijk N.W. 83b-85 - Helmond
Villa Kanaaldijk N.W. 83b-85 - Helmond -
Castle Croy Aarle-Rixtel
Castle Croy Aarle-RixtelTemporarily closed due to refurbishment. Perhaps the most famous castle in Laarbeek and its surro...