577 to 600 of 1580 results
Bakel aan de Peelrandbreuk
Bakel aan de Peelrandbreukartwork of the peel edge break in the square.
Bakel -
Mini campsite De Vrolijke Flierefluiter in Someren
Mini campsite De Vrolijke Flierefluiter in SomerenDe Vrolijke Flierefluiter is a small family business which includes a mini campsite, horse husban...
Someren-Heide -
WWII: Loopgraven in de Klotterpeel | De Rips
WWII: Loopgraven in de Klotterpeel | De RipsAt this site lie the last remnants of the trenches that were zigzagged through the Peel just befo...
De Rips -
4 de bal verwachten
4 de bal verwachtenNon-handball players should also expect the ball
Gemert-Bakel -
CabrioPeeltour Asten
CabrioPeeltour AstenFollowing the overwhelming success of the Cabrio Peeltour in recent years, the Asten Tourist Offi...
Asten -
Molen Laurentia
Molen LaurentiaThere are several indications that the mill used to be a polder mill in Bleskensgraaf. In 1965, t...
Milheeze -
Zùlekker delicatessen
Zùlekker delicatessenZùlekker is a new deli in the city centre.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Milk tap De Leegvelder
Milk tap De LeegvelderDairy farm and milk tap 'De Leegvelder' is a modern dairy farm on the edge of the Natura 2000 are...
Deurne -
Oude Handwijzer Klotterpeel
Oude Handwijzer KlotterpeelOn this site, an old Handwijzer already stood around 1850
De Rips -
De Pionier
De PionierThe Pioneer as a statue was unveiled in 1994 as a thank you from Rabobank and a tribute to forest...
De Rips -
Helling in de Scheiweg | Gemert
Helling in de Scheiweg | GemertIf you look from west to east across the Scheiweg, you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Gemert -
Itadaki Sushi
Itadaki SushiAt Itadaki Sushi Postelstraat 38a in Someren you can order all kinds of Sushi dishes and take the...
Someren -
Beweegtuin Beek en Donk
Beweegtuin Beek en DonkBeweegtuin Beek en Donk came about through an initiative by Gerda and Henk Berkers.
Beek en Donk -
Graveyard wall Lierop
Graveyard wall LieropOn the north side, the yard of the Patronaatsgebouw in Lierop is bordered by the partially surviv...
Lierop -
Memorial in Someren
Memorial in SomerenThe memorial monument 'Today has a lot of yesterday' in Someren is a black marble memorial stone,...
Someren -
* Meetings with activity at Peelexpress group activities
* Meetings with activity at Peelexpress group activitiesPeelexpress group activities has the options and space to provide meeting facilities.
Asten-Heusden -
De Wieger Deurne
De Wieger DeurneBesides a large collection of works by Wiegersma himself, the museum also has a collection of mod...
Deurne -
St. Luciakerk - Helmond
St. Luciakerk - Helmond -
Picture hunt through Asten (children's activity)
Picture hunt through Asten (children's activity)If you are looking for a fun activity for children, or an different idea for a children's party,...
Asten -
Natuurgebied De Aarlesche Peel | De Rips
Natuurgebied De Aarlesche Peel | De RipsAarlesche Peel was named after the municipality of Aarle-Rixtel which obtained ownership of this...
De Rips -
Care farm Wouterbergen
Care farm WouterbergenWouterbergen is a modern care farm that offers shelter to various participants in daytime activit...
Someren-Heide -
Sparen en spelen
Sparen en spelenAn image of children playing.
Lieshout -
Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | Handel
Natuurgebied Handelse Bossen | HandelThe Handel drifting dunes began to cause considerable problems for the fields around 1800 due to...
Handel -
Thai Phadee original Thai food restaurant
Thai Phadee original Thai food restaurantAuthentic Thai dishes.