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745 to 768 of 1556 results

  • 19 Village fire

    19 Village fire

    We are all terrified of it.

  • Hema Deurne

    Hema Deurne Hema Kitchen - Hema Deurne

    Plenty of choice in this Deurne department store. And you can also enjoy a nice lunch or a delici...

  • Atelier Explore

    Atelier Explore

    Atelier Explore, freedom in creation by Kitty Tijbos.

  • Innesto Ristorante

    Innesto Ristorante

    Enjoy modern and traditional Italian cuisine in perhaps the most picturesque spot in Asten... Eat...

  • Boscafé van Moorsel Groupaccommodation and Woodcafe and B&B

    Boscafé van Moorsel Groupaccommodation and Woodcafe and B&B

    On the edge of beautiful Lierop, directly on the woods, the Lieropse Heide and the Strabrechtse H...

  • Het Wapen van Asten

    Het Wapen van Asten

    Since 1998, the establishment in Asten for your parties and celebrations. From children's party t...

  • Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond

    Carolus Borromeus College - Mierloseweg 5a-9d Helmond
  • Staatsbosbeheer Lanenwandeling Beestenveld 4 km

    Staatsbosbeheer Lanenwandeling Beestenveld 4 km

    Stroll along the stately old avenues of the Beestenveld, past trees that colour with the seasons...

    De Rips
  • Krankzinnigen bedevaartplaats

    Krankzinnigen bedevaartplaats
  • Des lekker

    Des lekker

    Des Lekker's food trailer is a small cart with a cosy appearance. The equipment is such that we c...

    Beek en Donk
  • Ontmoetingscentrum Beek en Donk

    Ontmoetingscentrum Beek en Donk

    Want to meet, have a meeting, coffee, pool or a drink? You can do so at the Meeting Centre. The l...

    Beek en Donk
  • Kerk Sint Antonius Abt | De Mortel

    Kerk Sint Antonius Abt | De Mortel

    Because of the great plague epidemic in Gemert, the initiative was taken for a chapel in De Morte...

    De Mortel
  • Picking garden for charity

    Picking garden for charity

    Pick a bouquet and support the local children's holiday work and the Zonnebloem.

  • Fietsenstalling Steenwegkwartier

    Fietsenstalling Steenwegkwartier

    Steenweg Quarter. Free bicycle shed with CCTV.

  • Pauluskerk

  • De Plashoeve

    De Plashoeve

    One of the oldest monumental farms in Lieshout.

  • 10 Overloper

    10 Overloper

    Near the castle, where the bench of aldermen also sat.

  • Sacred Heart Statue Donk

    Sacred Heart Statue Donk

    Between the tower of the Leonarduskerk and the Kapelstraat is a neo-Gothic Sacred Heart statue on...

    Beek en Donk
  • The Asten Aa in Ommel

    The Asten Aa in Ommel

    The most beautiful section of the Beekdal (stream valley) of the Astense Aa is only a stone's thr...

  • Mariahout Bos en Ven

    Mariahout Bos en Ven

    Nature reserve with forests and various fens.

  • Grand-cafe BIJ GUUS

    Grand-cafe BIJ GUUS

    BIJ GUUS is a trendy, attractive and accessible GRAND CAFÉ on Wilhelminaplein in Someren.

  • Bridges


    Laarbeek has several bridges. The Beekse brug, De Donkse brug, De Hommel brug, Laarbrug and the A...

    Beek en Donk
  • Sculpture market

    Sculpture market

    Martin and Willeke Jeuken from Someren have a distinctive collection of garden decoration. Not on...

  • Kouwenbergs Kerkje

    Kouwenbergs Kerkje

    Thanks to the purchase by the Kouwenbergs Kerkje Foundation in December 2008, this unique monumen...
