889 to 912 of 1582 results
Armenhoeve Gemert
Armenhoeve GemertThe Armenhoeve or Hoeve Ten Broek is Gemert's oldest farm and the only corner gable farm.
Gemert -
D'n Teugelder
D'n TeugelderThe statue of D'n Teugelder stands in the music garden.
Beek en Donk -
OijnkOijnk, a farm shop where all kinds of things about pigs can be learned and bought.
Mariahout -
Café Toff
Café ToffCafé Toff Pub crawl | Special beers | Drinks
Asten -
Winkelboulevard Engelseweg Helmond
Winkelboulevard Engelseweg Helmond -
Tereijken, buurtschap Gemert
Tereijken, buurtschap GemertThe hamlet of Tereijken originated from a single medieval farmstead.
De Mortel -
Senza Pari
Senza PariTaste authentic Italian cuisine in combination with our carefully selected wines
Deurne -
Particuliere Begraafplaats Familie Wiegersma
Particuliere Begraafplaats Familie WiegersmaPrivate cemetery and national monument, usually not open to the public, only on certain open days
Vierden -
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | Gemert
Kapel Esdonks Kapelleke | GemertSmall 'Spijkerkapel' belonging to the hamlet of Esdonk where Mary Magdalene is venerated. This li...
Gemert -
Koffie & Anders | Gemert
Koffie & Anders | GemertYou can enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with us and browse around the gift store at your leisure.
Gemert -
Group accommodation Brabantbos Lodge
Group accommodation Brabantbos LodgeBrabantbos Lodge is located against the forest of the Herselse Heide nature reserve in the pleasa...
Lierop -
Zwarte fanfare
Zwarte fanfareThis fanfare provides various performances.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Helling in de Haveltweg | Handel
Helling in de Haveltweg | HandelIf you look from west to east across the Haveltweg you will see a slope in the road. The differen...
Handel -
Mariahout Bos en Ven
Mariahout Bos en VenNature reserve with forests and various fens.
Mariahout -
Natuurgebied Landgoed De Sijp | Elsendorp
Natuurgebied Landgoed De Sijp | ElsendorpDe Sijp estate was reclaimed in 1895 and is now partly natural area and partly in agricultural use.
Elsendorp -
Torenruine Brugghenstraat
Torenruine Brugghenstraat -
Grafkapel De Maurissens
Grafkapel De MaurissensFunerary chapel of the noble family who lived in a country house on the Baarschot in the 19th cen...
Deurne -
Villa Ledeboer
Villa LedeboerThe Ledeboer family, exploiters and owners of large parts of the surrounding woodland, built a vi...
De Rips -
Perron 15
Perron 15Constructive daytime experience for both the older and younger carer and base for recreation and...
Aarle-Rixtel -
Foglia Pesante
Foglia PesanteThe artwork Foglia Pesante placed at the Groes in Beek en Donk. This work by the Aarle-Rixtel art...
Beek en Donk -
Lunchroom de Keyser
Lunchroom de KeyserEnjoy a delicious cup of coffee with something sweet or a delicious lunch. Lunchroom De Keyser i...
Helmond -
Voormalig woonhuis - Markt 209 Helmond
Voormalig woonhuis - Markt 209 Helmond -
Gemert ontsnapt aan een ramp
Gemert ontsnapt aan een rampWith this encounter we have struck It is already the thirty-fifth year of the war that began in...
gemert-bakel -
Street art - Lord of the castle Hezelo
Street art - Lord of the castle HezeloHe was a knight, nobleman, the first lord of the castle, and the namesake of Helmond: Lord Hezelo.