1081 to 1104 of 1582 results
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936
Calvarieberg De Rips 1936This Calvary has a unique altar that was used in the annual processions.
De Ripd -
Grenspaal Bunthorst Paal (Kuil)
Grenspaal Bunthorst Paal (Kuil)The easternmost boundary marker in the Peel between Gemert and Bakel. Also the border with Oploo....
De Rips -
Uw Ambachtelijke Slager 'Slagerij Vogels' | Elsendorp
Uw Ambachtelijke Slager 'Slagerij Vogels' | ElsendorpButcher Vogels from Elsendorp is a traditional company that still does its own slaughtering. Wher...
Elsendorp -
Biologische tuinderij De Antoniushoeve
Biologische tuinderij De AntoniushoeveVegetables, fruit and fresh eggs from our own chickens.
Aarle-Rixtel -
Horseback Riding in Someren
Horseback Riding in SomerenOn the road in Someren with your horse. Enjoy nature on the 85 km long Equestrian interchange net...
Someren -
MooiLaarbeekKrantWeekly magazine for Laarbeek, published by GoedeMorgen Media.
Beek en Donk -
Greek Restaurant Mythos
Greek Restaurant MythosGreek Restaurant Mythos in Someren-Eind serves you the most delicious Greek dishes!
Someren-Eind -
Woonhuizen - Klaverhof complex 1 tm 43
Woonhuizen - Klaverhof complex 1 tm 43 -
Dansschool Reniers
Dansschool ReniersFor all your dancing and party fun!
Helmond -
Graveyard wall Lierop
Graveyard wall LieropOn the north side, the yard of the Patronaatsgebouw in Lierop is bordered by the partially surviv...
Lierop -
Het Nonneke
Het NonnekeOn the occasion of Franciscushof's fifth anniversary, this statue was unveiled.
Lieshout -
CabrioPeeltour Asten
CabrioPeeltour AstenFollowing the overwhelming success of the Cabrio Peeltour in recent years, the Asten Tourist Offi...
Asten -
Town hall of Someren
Town hall of SomerenTown Hall at Wilhelminaplein 1 in Someren; The previous town hall was built in 1936, designed by...
Someren -
Lambertuskerkhof Someren graves war victims
Lambertuskerkhof Someren graves war victimsIn the cemetery of the H-Lambertus parish in Someren are the graves of Someren war victims.
Someren -
De Brouwer
De Brouwer -
Dorpscamping Gemert | Gemert
Dorpscamping Gemert | GemertA five-minute walk from the center of Gemert is Dorpscamping Gemert. At this unique location in t...
Gemert -
Tot 2013 was hier een oude sluis van ruim 180 jaar oud. De nieuwe, huidige sluis is aangelegd voor de komende honderd jaar.
Tot 2013 was hier een oude sluis van ruim 180 jaar oud. De nieuwe, huidige sluis is aangelegd voor de komende honderd jaar.Until 2013, there was an old lock here that was over 180 years old. The new, current lock was bui...
Helmond -
Garage Bitech
Garage BitechGarage company Bitech is a universal garage company, for everything that rolls.
Lieshout -
Winkelen in combicentrum Helmond
Winkelen in combicentrum Helmond -
Poetry tour Rijtven
Poetry tour RijtvenWalking tour along 15 poems
Deurne -
Brownies and downieS Asten
Brownies and downieS AstenAn unusual lunch café for a fresh artisan lunch, or delicious cup of coffee with a sweet treat, s...
Asten -
Sweet Sisters
Sweet SistersThe most beautiful cakes and the tastiest sweets.
Helmond -
Manege Heijligers
Manege HeijligersManege Heijligers is a real family business. It was founded in 1967 by the brothers André and Hen...
Asten -
Playground X
Playground XExperience a great day out at Playground X in Liessel. Here you can go for group outings, quizzes...