Programme Raopers

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Dorpshuis Lieshout
Grotenhof 2
5737CB Lieshout
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The Lieshout Hospitality Industry is joining hands and celebrating Carnival together at the RaopersHuys, or Village Hall. 

This year, they will make Carnival a feast to remember! The Village Hall will be renamed the Raopershuys! The place where young and old come together to celebrate Carnival the way we like it best: cosy, connecting and unforgettable!
Top artists & activities, Tasty food & drinks and Partying with friends, family & all of Lieshout.

Whether you are an experienced partygoer or celebrating Carnival for the first time: everyone is welcome at the Raopershuys! Put on your best outfit and come and dance, laugh and enjoy together.


  • Tuesday the 4th of march 2025 at 13:30


  • Free
