Events in Asten

What can you do today in Asten? View Asten's calendar of events here. Looking for events nearby? Asten also has many annually recurring events such as Easter Blues, Fiets3Daagse Asten, MistyFields and the Pompoendagen. Check out today's events, this weekend's events and much more! A paper event calendar is available free of charge at VVV Asten; this provides an overview per quarter.
25 to 48 of 48 results
De Slag Om Asten
De Slag Om AstenFriday 25 April
Asten -
Muziekspektakel Asten
Muziekspektakel AstenSaturday 26 April
On King's Day, the music spectacle starts at approximately 2:00 PM in the large tent on Koningspl...
Asten -
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke
Museum Klok & Peel with Tuurke27 April until 4 May
Come to Museum Klok & Peel in Asten in July and August and go on an adventure with Tuurke. Tuurke...
Asten -
Bibliotheek Asten maand juni 2024
Bibliotheek Asten maand juni 2024Wednesday 14 May
Asten -
Lezing Heemkundekring de Vonder Kapelleskes en volksgeloof
Lezing Heemkundekring de Vonder Kapelleskes en volksgeloofWednesday 14 May
Asten -
Artheo Beeldentuin & Atelier open 2023
Artheo Beeldentuin & Atelier open 202318 May, 25 May and 2 more days
Enjoy the sculpture garden of Theo van dam with his paintings and bronze and plastic sculptures,...
Asten-Heusden -
Wandel Avond4daagse Asten
Wandel Avond4daagse Asten19 until 22 May
4 days walking in the evening through Asten and its surroundings, route of 5 and 8 km.
Asten -
Koopzondag Asten
Koopzondag AstenSunday 25 May
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Kermis in Asten-Heusden
Kermis in Asten-Heusden14 until 17 June
Wandelen met Immer Weer Asten
Wandelen met Immer Weer AstenSunday 22 June
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KBO wandelen met De Stappers Asten
KBO wandelen met De Stappers AstenThursday 26 June
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Zomeravondconcert Heusden-Oost
Zomeravondconcert Heusden-OostMonday 30 June
Asten-Heusden -
Pleinconcert Harmonie St. Cecilia Asten
Pleinconcert Harmonie St. Cecilia AstenWednesday 2 July
Asten -
I.V.N. woensdagmiddag wandeling voor senioren
I.V.N. woensdagmiddag wandeling voor seniorenThursday 3 July
Asten -
Funfair Asten
Funfair Asten14 and 15 July
Various attractions in the city centre. The fair will be opened at 6.30pm by the St George's Guil...
KoopzondagSunday 31 August
Asten -
Repair Café Asten
Repair Café Asten10 September, 12 November
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OPen Monumentendag Asten
OPen Monumentendag AstenSaturday 13 September
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KunstKlinkt Asten
KunstKlinkt AstenSunday 21 September
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Publieksavond in Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht en Pieterse Planetarium Asten aanmelden vooraf
Publieksavond in Jan Paagman Sterrenwacht en Pieterse Planetarium Asten aanmelden vooraf26 September, 10 October and 2 more days
Pecha Kucha Peelland 2024
Pecha Kucha Peelland 2024Saturday 25 October
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Koopzondag Asten St. Nicolaas
Koopzondag Asten St. NicolaasSunday 30 November
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Koopzondag Asten Kerst
Koopzondag Asten KerstSunday 21 December
Opluisteren 2e Kerstdag H. MIs AStens Mannenkoor
Opluisteren 2e Kerstdag H. MIs AStens MannenkoorFriday 26 December
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