Kunstlokaal Gemert

Art and Culture

KunstLokaal is the dominant center for art and culture in Gemert-Bakel. KunstLokaal is open to young and old for courses and workshops. KunstLokaal has a wide offer at affordable prices, from the visual arts, dance and music to theater and musical. Whether it is for a first introduction or professional coaching.

Besides the regular classes, KunstLokaal also offers a wide variety of workshops for educational and touristic/recreational purposes. What about making your very own walking canes from willow branches? Or creating stone tablets in the tradition of Jan van Gemert? (Great in combination with the Jan van Gemert culture hike). And we bet you have probably never created your very own paper using recycled paper before… Visit the department CultuurLokaal for any questions you may have or for personalized workshops and programs.

Where is your creative force?

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