Lecture Brabant globetrotters conquer the world

Science journalist Jaco Berveling gives a lecture on Brabant globetrotters. In the period 1905-1935, many hundreds, maybe thousands, of Dutch boys travelled the world. Most went on foot and a few by bicycle. They were from humble origins and left without a penny in their pockets. Many of these world travellers came from the Randstad, but there were also some from Braband. During his lecture in the Ontmoetingscentrum, science journalist Jaco Berveling will introduce you to these enterprising globetrotters. 

For instance, he covers Pierre van Moorsel from Helmond who lef…

Science journalist Jaco Berveling gives a lecture on Brabant globetrotters. In the period 1905-1935, many hundreds, maybe thousands, of Dutch boys travelled the world. Most went on foot and a few by bicycle. They were from humble origins and left without a penny in their pockets. Many of these world travellers came from the Randstad, but there were also some from Braband. During his lecture in the Ontmoetingscentrum, science journalist Jaco Berveling will introduce you to these enterprising globetrotters. 

For instance, he covers Pierre van Moorsel from Helmond who left in 1907, the young gentlemen Berghegge and Houben (who set off from Tilburg in a caravan in 1912) and André Driessen and his wife from Westerhoven. Furthermore, the men Jooren, Van Aanhouten Wildenberg, who left Breda behind in 1923, and Johannes Groffen from Kruisland who got on his bike in 1928. Of course, special attention is paid to Jan Geeven, who took off with his dog and a cart in 1934. He pulled his little house on wheels around the Netherlands by himself. Jan sold cards along the way with the text ‘Because unemployment is in our country, I'm taking a trip through the Netherlands!’.

A globetrotting mania
Berveling not only discusses the motives and experiences of the Brabanders, he also shows how globetrotting could grow into a mass movement. At the time, the press spoke of a fad, an epidemic and globetrotter mania. As more and more globetrotters and world cyclists left, they had to try to stand out in the large stream. They therefore often donned a striking suit (usually a Volendam costume), carried special attributes such as barrels or beer barrels or tried to attract attention in other ways. An engaging and lively lecture with many photos, portrait cards and videos of the globetrotters. The presentation is based on the book ‘Walking the World!’. More information can be found on the website. 


  • Monday the 3rd of february 2025 at 20:00


  • Free
