In Deurne

Events in Deurne
Going out in Brabant? Come to Deurne!
Hospitable Deurne is a regular setting for exuberant events and festivities. Special activities can be enjoyed in every season. For all audiences, including the elderly and children as well. Deurne Cultural Centre offers room for music and theatre performances. Deurne CC even has a cinema. Each year, many interesting events are on the agenda. For example, the Night of the Silver Screen, Horse Event and Battle on the Beach, and also a four day cycling event and a four-day evening walking event. Experience it in Deurne, Griendtsveen, Helenaveen, Liessel, Neerkant and Vlierden.
121 to 144 of 146 results
Inspirational dinner delicious local from farm to mouth
Inspirational dinner delicious local from farm to mouth15 and 16 August
Ma(a)sterchef Paul at farmer Henk's in the fields
Deurne -
Truckshow Liessel
Truckshow Liessel16 and 17 August
Two day event for every truck fan
Liessel -
Concertcyclus - The Bellow Project
Concertcyclus - The Bellow ProjectSunday 17 August
Accordion duo
Deurne -
Nacht Van Het Witte Doek
Nacht Van Het Witte Doek28 until 31 August
Four-day free film festival in and around the centre of Deurne with extensive fringe programming....
Deurne -
Plant Based Food and Drink Experience
Plant Based Food and Drink Experience29 and 30 August
A 5-course dinner with a matching (non)alcoholic drink for each course
Deurne -
Kermis Liessel
Kermis Liessel29 August until 2 September
Six days of party with plenty of entertainment
Liessel -
Concertcyclus - Nationale Orgeldag
Concertcyclus - Nationale OrgeldagSaturday 13 September
The Smits organ is being played
Deurne -
Kermis Helenaveen
Kermis Helenaveen13 until 16 September
Annual fair
Helenaveen -
Markt Groen Deurne
Markt Groen DeurneSunday 14 September
Market in the field of nature, environment, food, biodiversity, alternative energy and sustainabi...
Deurne -
Concert cycle - Season change
Concert cycle - Season changeFriday 19 September
Jafabono: jazz, fado and bosa nova
Deurne -
Veterans Day
Veterans DaySaturday 20 September
Deurne -
Shopping Sunday Deurne - Fashion autumn-winter
Shopping Sunday Deurne - Fashion autumn-winterSunday 28 September
Deurne -
Cultuurfestival - Tuinpad Park
Cultuurfestival - Tuinpad ParkSunday 28 September
With cultural workshops, fun activities and sales of beautiful creations
Deurne -
Cultuurfestival - De Wieger
Cultuurfestival - De WiegerSunday 28 September
Including cultural workshops and the sale of beautiful creations
Deurne -
Culture Festival - Cultuurcentrum
Culture Festival - CultuurcentrumSunday 28 September
With professional and local artists
Deurne -
Cultuurfestival - Markt
Cultuurfestival - MarktSunday 28 September
With professional and local artists
Deurne -
DOC Oldtimer tour - Autumn ride
DOC Oldtimer tour - Autumn rideSunday 5 October
Experience the beautiful autumn colours during the D.O.C. Oldtimer Tour Autumn Ride. Drive your c...
Deurne -
Concertcyclus - Helmonds Vocaal Ensemble
Concertcyclus - Helmonds Vocaal EnsembleSunday 5 October
Petite Messe Solennelle van Rossini
Deurne -
Autumn walk and trail run
Autumn walk and trail runSunday 12 October
Through the mysterious Peel in the area around the Neerkant
Neerkant -
Concertcyclus - All Hallows' Eve
Concertcyclus - All Hallows' EveFriday 31 October
Deurne -
Intocht Sinterklaas in Deurne
Intocht Sinterklaas in DeurneSunday 16 November
Reception on the Market, where Saint Nicholas will greet all Deurne children
Deurne -
Intocht Sinterklaas in Zeilberg
Intocht Sinterklaas in ZeilbergSunday 16 November
Sinterklaas and his helpers will visit the Zeilberg, followed by a party in Den Draai.
Deurne -
Koopzondag - Sinterklaas
Koopzondag - SinterklaasSunday 30 November
Do your Sinterklaas shopping in a cozy atmosphere! Shopping and enjoying in the center of Deurne
Deurne -
Koopzondag - Kerst Shoppen
Koopzondag - Kerst ShoppenSunday 21 December
Shopping and enjoying in the centre of Deurne