Crazy Air | Gemert

Crazy Air. The place to rent crazy bouncy castles or other party supplies.
With us you can rent a wide variety of bouncy castles, such as Bubble Football, Toboggan Run, Jungle Run, Toboggan run or maybe a soap ramp? We have enough offerings for every age group and occasion, such as your children's party, friends day, bachelor's day,
family day or neighborhood party.
Would you like to rent an awesome bouncy castle or eye-catcher? Or a surprising day package? Send an email to and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also contact us yourself at the following phone number: Tel: 06-20072185. The bouncy castle, hexathlon game or eye-catcher you want to rent can of course be delivered and set up at your place, both inside and outside Brabant.
In short: for every target group to rent at an affordable price.
