Stichting Muziekopleidingen O&U

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De Muziektuin is a programme of musical discovery in which children from Group 4 onwards discover what music does to you. The aim is to teach children everything they need to know about music in a playful and active way, through singing and moving, listening and getting to know different musical instruments. You learn everything about rhythm and measure, by making your own rap and playing along with your favourite pop hit, among other things. The lessons are given by teacher Hetty Boeijen, an enthusiastic and professional music teacher with a great deal of experience in giving music lessons at primary schools.

For more information, parents can contact SMO via

Each pupil gets half an hour o…

De Muziektuin is a programme of musical discovery in which children from Group 4 onwards discover what music does to you. The aim is to teach children everything they need to know about music in a playful and active way, through singing and moving, listening and getting to know different musical instruments. You learn everything about rhythm and measure, by making your own rap and playing along with your favourite pop hit, among other things. The lessons are given by teacher Hetty Boeijen, an enthusiastic and professional music teacher with a great deal of experience in giving music lessons at primary schools.

For more information, parents can contact SMO via

Each pupil gets half an hour of individual lessons. The music lessons are given in Muziekcentrum 't Anker, sometimes at the teacher's home or at another suitable lesson location. Most teachers are graduates of the Conservatory or are studying there. The other teachers are musicians with a great deal of experience in training pupils. A total of 36 lessons are given per school year. During the music lessons, a pupil learns to know and play the instrument, but the theory of music is also discussed. Pupils can take lessons on all wind instruments and percussion. By following these lessons, it is possible for pupils to take A, B, C and D exams. Different expectations are set for each level. After obtaining a diploma, a pupil can play in associated orchestras, such as the student, youth and eventually the harmony orchestra. The diploma needed for a certain orchestra depends on the instrument.

Trial lesson

It is possible to take a trial lesson for all the instruments listed opposite. A trial lesson costs €7.50 and this amount will be deducted from the lesson fee when the pupil actually applies.

For more general information about the Koninklijke Harmonie Oefening & Uitspanning and the Stichting Muziekopleiding O&U, questions or registration please contact Jolanda Rooijakkers or send an e-mail to 

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